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December 28, 2012

Amber and Max: TV Names

Maybe it’s just the shows I watch, but I’ve noticed an abnormal amount of characters named Max and Amber on TV lately. I thought it’d be fun to talk about them...maybe rank them. I realize this is not at all inclusive list of every Max or Amber that’s ever been on TV, but it’s current. It just so happens that some of them exist on the same shows.

Remember her from Hope Floats? One Fine Day? When a Man Loves a Woman?
Parenthood-Amber has had her ups and downs, but in the last season or so has really emerged as one of the more stable and consistently likable characters. One of my most recent favorite scenes with her in it was when Adam confided in her first about Christina’s Breast Cancer. It was this sweet and vulnerable moment that he chose to share with his niece of all people.
Likability: 9
Introducing...Clara Mamet
The Neighbors-Such an interesting casting choice, and yet I’m pleased overall with her presence on the show. She plays a perfectly cynical teenager, smarter than her parents on most things, and less than thrilled to be living among Aliens. She is very plain looking, not frilly or perfectly skinny, but from time to time she gives this smile that is warm and melting.

I tried to pick a cute picture to make you like him more.
Parenthood-Now that Asperger’s has been taken out of the medical dictionary, I am interested to see how Parenthood handles Max and his behavior. It has definitely taken a back seat in recent episodes. As much as everyone I know is in love with this show, they want to kill Max. But I would suggest that maybe it’s not Max that they should be mad at. Maybe it’s Christina and Adam! The show is called PARENTHOOD...let’s get some going over there man. I get that it might be difficult, especially with a child who is not like other children, but COME ON.
Likability: 2 (on a good day)
The Neighbors-Max is seriously one of the cutest kids on TV. His facial expressions are adorable. He is cool, but still enough of a kid to pull off cute. He is an annoying brother, but also (as this week showed) a scared little kid at times. I’m not sure they’ve said what age he is, but I would put him at about 9. If you’re not watching this show, I’m telling you, you’re missing out, and Max is part of what you are missing.
Likability: 7
She wins.
Two Broke Girls-Aside from Kat Dennings being just gorgeous, her character is hilarious. She gets to say all the dirty jokes. She’s in control, cusses like a sailor, is independent, and hard in all the right ways. But she’s also all woman. She’s curvy, gets excited about candy, bakes cupcakes, and squeals with her best friend. Basically, I want to be her.
Likability: 10

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