It's no secret that I am Team Angelina ALL THE WAY. Not only does she out-sexy, out-act, and out-philanthropy Jennifer Aniston (as well as most celebrities), I like her way in the world. We have gotten to watch her grow up, to watch her change. From kissing her brother and wearing Billy Bob's blood around her neck, to taking a genuine interest in global dilemmas and becoming a mother of...what is it, 6 now?
I love strawberries and now, so do you. |
You probably don't like Angelina because of the whole Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston thing. You can't see how anyone could leave or hurt adorable Rachel! But the truth I have accepted about this, that you should also come to terms with is that: no one can be stolen unless they want to be stolen. Maybe that is an ignorant single girl's perspective, but I think it has some truth to it. So stop blaming Angelina for all the bad things that have happened to Aniston and let's look at the reality of things. I won't point out the details of her failures, just generalities to keep things polite.
Jennifer Aniston is not a good actress.
As my friend, Carmen stated earlier this week, Aniston doesn't usually take roles outside of her little Rom/Com genre. When she does (
The Good Girl, Friends With Money) the movies kind of go under the radar. Because NO ONE wants to see Aniston
try to play sad or down on her luck after her time as Rachel on
Friends. The closest to good acting that I have seen from her was in
The Break Up. Both she and Vince Vaughn stepped a foot or so outside of their normal smiley roles and showed a slightly darker side or what I like to refer to as "what happens after the Rom/Com ends." It's fine that she is niche, it pays the bills. But being cute doesn't make you a good actress and being typecast does not make you respected. Just ask Katherine Heigl.
Wait, is this the angle of my head right? Oh, she had a strawberry? |
Jennifer Aniston has no discernment when it comes to men.
You would think that Aniston would go after a Tom Hanks type...a really nice guy since she seems to wear her badge as America's Sweetheart so proudly. Someone like James Marsden, Brendan Fraser, or Hugh Jackman even. Instead,her dating history includes Vince Vaughn, John Mayer, and Bradley Cooper. And you think that's gonna work out for you? So now she's engaged to Justin Theroux. Who, by the way, usually plays a jerk....a bad boy. And he proposed on his birthday. HOW MANIPULATIVE CAN YOU GET? I wish her the best in this relationship...but I have my doubts. How could I not?
Jennifer Aniston has no REAL friends.
This is a slap in the face I know given that her fame came from a show called
Friends. And yes, I've seen the pics of her and Courtney Cox hugging and read all about how supportive Cox is of her. But if she had any real friends, they would tell her...knock it off with the bad boys. Stop looking like you're pining after Brad and like you're jealous of Angelina. That break up has seemed to define her life. I guess if she were really as great as everyone says she is, if she were really America's Sweetheart...she wouldn't come across as so...pathetic. Maybe it's just the media twisting these things, but when you are a celebrity, you almost have to do something purposefully to change the vibe...and I don't mean do a movie that's a little out of character or something weird with your hair (Miley...what are you thinking!). I mean, make a change. Be real. Whatever you need to do, do that thing already Aniston. Angelina has reinvented herself time and time again, take some cues from her since she "took" so much from you.
I am and will always be Team Angelina. But I don't wish bad things for Aniston. I love nothing more than a story of a comeback, an underdog. "The most celebrated are the rehabilitated." I believe that with all of my heart. But on the other hand, I hate a victim. We all have heartaches, but take control of your life already Jennifer!
Here we go again. |
I know many of you will have a hard time with this post, even though it honestly doesn't even BEGIN to cover my feelings on Jennifer and Angelina. (I have written entire essays about this topic.) I just wanted to address some of my thoughts on Aniston alone to get the conversation going. I welcome your rebuttals. I am sure you are Team tell me why!
You can post in the comments, or if you want to write a blog response, please send it to or message me at Weekend Fat on Facebook.