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May 23, 2012

It's The Final Countdown: How To Leave 'Em Wanting More

One summer a friend of mine and I were working at a camp together. We were given the task to entertain a group of children for an hour. We only had a parachute. She pulled the parachute out began to play with the children. They loved it! But about 30 minutes in, she packed up the parachute and had them play tag, followed by hide and go seek. I was confused. That parachute would have easily entertained them for the entire hour. When I asked her about it later she said something I'd heard a million times, but never really seen in action: "Always leave 'em wanting more!" By quitting at the height of their enjoyment, she could always return with the parachute, it would always entertain them, it would always be successful.
Most fun ever.
It should be that way with television. Each season, we cross our fingers and wait to see if our love for characters, humor, and drama have translated into enough ratings and money to secure a place in next year's line up. This year, the news I was the most anxious to hear revolved around 30 Rock, Parenthood, SMASH (don't judge me) American Horror Story, and Community. All were renewed, even if some of those renewals had conditions such as: Community without Dan Harmon, rumors of entirely new story lines/characters in American Horror Story, and a final season for 30 Rock. I can live with that...just bring them back, I'm not ready to lose them yet!

Listen, no one wants to see their favorite shows cancelled. My cousin and I were the only ones in the world watching Best Friends Forever, and we both understand why it's gone, but are we happy about it? No. Because it speaks to some part of us. We all have our attachment issues, and breaking up is hard to do. But there's one thing that's worse that missing your favorite show....and that's watching it be totally ruined.
I miss them!
There are 2 kinds of show endings. The first is that the creators of the show decide it's time to cut it off. The second is that the network isn't making enough money and decides to cut it off. The most common is the second kind, because the truth is that people don't know when to put the "parachute" away. One notable exception to this is my personal favorite TV show in the history of TV, Six Feet Under. I will fight you to the death about the perfection of Six Feet Under. And here's the amazing thing, it only went 5 seasons. Because creator, Alan Ball, came to the network and said that he felt that the show had run it's course. Yeah, you heard me. He fired himself. But he did it because what he was creating with Six Feet Under was about making good TV. Not about staying on the air as long as possible!

The problem with TV today (wow, I sound old, uptight, and like I know everything. I'm not old.) is that somehow the networks and creators haven't caught onto the fact that for the most part, the generation they are dealing with these days wants authenticity, cleverness, and a sense of purpose. We want it in our own lives, and we want it in the TV characters' lives. And so when a show like ER ends with an entirely different cast than where it started, it doesn't feel real! That's not how we live our lives! It feels desperate and grasping and like this is really all about a paycheck.
Who are these people?
Don't get me wrong, I KNOW it's all about a paycheck, but I don't want to be reminded that it's all about a paycheck. I want to see a story arc come to completion, run it's course. I want to see characters evolve as they face hardship (even if that hardship is a bit too dramatic at times) and come out on the other side. I want to relate to them. And if it's a comedy, I want the inside jokes and one liners that started the show to end with it. Friends was great at this. The characters were strong, they evolved, we literally watched them grow up on TV, and before it was too silly or over the top or they took too many trips out of the country or used too many green screens, it ended. And we still love it today.
Perfect Timing.
But some of our favorites are in danger of going too long. It's time for a few of those shows that we love to consider saying goodbye. Now, don't get upset with me as I name your favorite show for cancellation material, but remember the parachute story. Don't you want to be able to miss it and watch it again without thinking of how boring it got in the end? We are talking quality here, not quantity. I suggest the following shows should go 1 more season and end, securing their places on pedestals instead of falling into the category of "Yeah, I used to watch it before..."

Community-I know. It hasn't been on long enough. But it's been on the chopping block since its inception.  And now, without Dan Harmon, I have my doubts. My friend Amy suggested that the 3 part finale of this season could have served as a great series closer. I agree. But it didn't go quite like that. And so if for some reason, Community actually manages to survive next year, I don't think that it should survive another year after that. Plus, it's community college. They have to leave at some point. And don't even THINK about bringing in new characters.

The Office-Please go away. Not only is it depressing seeing Jim and Pam all married with kids and not nearly as adorable as they once were (a writing issue, not a life situation issue), but Michael Scott was the heart of the show. To try to continue it without him has left me trying to remember why that red headed lady from Florida is in Michael's office and why Andy is acting like a fool. I would be okay to never see James Spader again (the same way I felt about him after seeing The Secretary), and even Dwight's antics can't revive this show. Please, just let it die. Write an ending. Shut Dunder Mifflin Down. Let Dwight and Jim be co-managers. ANYTHING. Just...enough. It hurts to watch.
When it's all over, I vote for a cooking show with Dexter as the host. Specialty: Breakfast.
Dexter-It's finally happened. Deb has finally seen the real Dexter. So, next season it's Deb vs. Dexter. We've always known it had to be this way. But it really has to end this way, and it has to end this season. Deb could go down in history in the Miami Metro Police Department if she turns him in. Is Dexter cold-hearted enough to go after Deb? Can they talk through it? Can Dexter explain and justify his reasons for killing? Will Deb let Dexter go, or will she pull a Sound of Music whistle blow on him and send him running for the hills? If none of the above happen, then we are looking at either the death of Deb, or incest, neither of which we want to see. Kill it off before it's squirming, please.

30 Rock-You know my love for this show, and I've already read that next season is the last. I'm glad. The show has always been a little exaggerated, but within regards to the revolving door of characters, it's been tamed to the love interests of Jack or Liz. This season, bringing on a new page, Hazel, just about killed me. The actress herself drives me crazy, but she doesn't work in the cast. We love Kenneth. But we love him for the role he plays, which is not the protagonist. Liz is the protagonist (though Jack would argue that). The page storyline just gets us off focus from where we really want to be. Tracy, Jenna, Liz, and Jack. So, please. Let Jack call Nancy Donovan (Julianne Moore) and rekindle with her happily in Boston, let Kenneth rise to Jack's position as the new executive, and for the love of God give Liz her baby with her current adorable boyfriend, while she is still happily working on TGS. Let her finally, have it all. 

Grey's Anatomy-You know I love it, but it's time to go. I want to see the characters land. They are grown up doctors now, with grown up relationships. It's time to tie up the loose ends. If Arizona is gonna die, let Mark and Callie live happily ever after. Meredith and Derek have a child now, we want to see them be responsible enough to stay together and raise her after they fought so hard for her. Yang and Hunt are going to get back together and pour themselves into that hospital. Let Bailey have her man. And Alex. Sigh...Alex. Just don't bring in a new batch of residents and get some ER thing going. I don't want this show to be unrecognizable in 5 years. 
Speaking of always leave 'em wanting more...I cannot WAIT!

What shows do you want to see cancelled before they go bad?  


  1. Here for my almost-daily comment! But seriously I really love this :)

    I was actually thinking about this topic last night when I was running. That and which shows ended prematurely and/or got screwed by networks shifting time slots, etc (Friday Night Lights? Arrested Development? Las Vegas?--don't judge on that last one!) Speaking of which, I'm glad that Smash is coming back for at least another season...I was afraid it was going to get canceled!

    I can't believe The Office is even still on the's beyond time for it to go.

    As for Dexter (which I love), I think I read something at the end of last season where the director said there are 2 more seasons left of the show. I guess they could opt out and only do one but I think they may be committed to a 2 year arc.

    This may be a another topic altogether, but what about reality shows that went bad a LONG time ago but still continue to air? Thinking along the line of: Survivor, Big Brother, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, American Idol (Admittedly, I don't watch any of those and maybe that's why I think they are bad...not b/c they are on the 20th edition of a show about people scheming against each other and that plot must be tired by now!)

    1. First of all, I LOVE that you are commenting. I really do appreciate it so much!

      Did you watch all of Friday Night Lights? I need to do that.

      I read that about Dexter too. It bothers me to think about it. I don't see how they can do it! Unless Deb comes on to help Dexter!

      The reality issue...ugh. I should address these sometimes in a blog. When I'm feeling especially bitchy I might.

    2. Yes, I think we ended up Netflixing Friday Night Lights and watching it from beginning to end even though we had seen seasons 1-2 when it originally aired.

      I need to take your advice about 6 Feet're not the 1st person to recommend it and now that we are in TV dead season I (we...Matt is just as in-tune with pop culture stuff) need something else to obsess over for the next couple of months ;)

      Oh and much as I hate to say it, but I wonder how much longer Glee will go?

    3. I can't stand to think about Glee. It's the biggest love/hate relationship I've ever had with a show!

      I will watch Friday Night Lights. You watch Six Feet Under!

  2. I still watch Friends. We bought all the seasons on DVD. I would have taken that with me to China for a year. Mine and Dave's relationship is based squarely in a conversation in Friends' quotes. Srsly. We have whole conversations in public using lines from the show. I know. DORK. I loved that show. I fell off Dexter after he locked that cop dude up in the swamp in like season 2. I was done then. Too far.

    I also loved Six Feet. LOVED.

    Carrie is going to be sad you nominated her show for the ax. haha

    1. I love Friends too. I own it, just didn't wanna carry it to China with me. I would love to know about the conversation that is the basis of your relationship!

      Carrie might be upset with me, but I think she will understand!

      Six Feet Under. As I said, BEST SHOW EVER.

  3. Did you ever watch Freaks and Geeks? Brilliant.
    I need to take your brother's advice and watch Sports Night. And your advice and watch Six Feet Under.
    And speaking of relationships, Phillip and I are together thanks to Mad About You (another once great show that went too long).

    1. I wil check it out this summer. Six Feet Under...ahhh! You will have to tell me the Mad About You story sometime!

  4. Freaks and Geeks was the best show to ever run one season. Probably the best show ever in my opinion. Leaving us wanting more in that case has lead to many of the cast having great careers. I'm still happy to see them wherever they land. I'm still sad about a show called Homefront which was set in the 40's and didn't get past a season or maybe two. It starred a young Kyle Chandler (Friday Night Lights) and I have followed his career because I missed his Homefront character. I wonder what other actors have benefited from this reaction.

    1. If you AND my friend Amy like Freaks and Geeks, I should check it out. As far as the thing about actors that you mentioned, the guy who plays Adam Braverman, was Nate on Six Feet Under, and is in Sports Night. Pretty much I will follow that guy through anything. Love him!

  5. Love the post and the blog. All of the reality music/dating shows need to go IMHO. As I was reading the above comments it dawned on me that my personal criteria for when a show has been on too long is simple. If I loved it and can't remember when/why I stopped watching it then it was probably on way too long. ER being the PRIME example. Loved ER and watched it for years. I had forgotten it was even off the air. Probably because I had lost all interest in it shortly after Mark died. By the time Stamos came aboard I was no longer watching.
    As to a show that was cancelled WAY too soon I submit "Better Off Ted". The writing was clever, great cast with terrific chemistry and got canned just as it was finding an audience. Arrested Development-ditto.

    1. Thanks! I hesitated to address the reality shows. But I know at some point I will. I am with you on ER. In some ways, I thought it was over when that Over the Rainbow played at Dr. Green's death. I remember turning in a few years later and being like, oh, this still?

      I LOVED Better Off Ted! I have no idea why it didn't make it! So much potential there! Timing is everything I guess!

    2. I'm glad I wasn't the only one that saw Better Off Ted. I think it was a victim of the time slot shuffle and no promotion. It made me laugh every episode though.

  6. I really loved this article! I agree with what you have said, but I would hate for Dexter to end. I do not want to ruin them for you, but if you read the books you see that the issue with continuing the series is already addressed in book Darkly Dreaming Dexter (book 1). There have since been five other books, so it is possible for the series to continue. I also think it's about time for Grey's to go. I would not want it to be like ER in the end, the cast being entirely different from the original characters. You are right, always leave them wanting more!

    1. I don't even want to know about the books! I enjoy the show too much! So thanks for not spoiling, but now I am SO curious! Will they/Do they stick to the books pretty closely you think?

    2. After watching the show, I did not like the books. I really wanted to, but many of the characters get on my nerves. The way I described it to someone else is like this, the books do not have the same charm as the TV show. I could have stopped reading at the last chapter of book 5 and never cared. There is not as much of that dark, subtle humor that I love. Do they follow closely? I would say no. There are people who die who live and people who live that die, just for one example. There are several websites that break down book/show comparisons if you are interested. All in all, I rather watch the show Dexter than read the books.
