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October 2, 2012

More Movies More Reviews

I'm gonna try to do this quickly. Because I have been watching SO MANY MOVIES lately, I want to give you my opinion of them. You never know when you will be standing at a Red Box wishing you knew what something was about or if it is worth watching. If you read this blog you know of know my tastes and you can go from there. Or if you are my friend Jill, you can do the exact opposite of what I suggest unless it comes to scary movies, which we can always agree on. Though she's still mad at me for making her watch Paranormal Activity.

Larry Crowne
Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, how can it go wrong! There's nothing profound about this movie and that's ok. But it's also got some depth to it and is pretty reflective of the times we live in when it comes to education. It's a feel good movie with not a lot of flash, other than Julia Roberts' perfect smile. WORTH IT.
 far away.
Tom Hardy is gorgeous. Not only is he a total hunk, but he has proven that he can be terrifying, hard, and even suave like in Inception. He's like a Russell Crowe type, and in this movie about two estranged brothers who are also fighters, Tom Hardy is brilliant. Of course Joel Edgerton and Nick Nolte are also wonderful in the movie. I will admit, I sobbed like a baby at this movie. Watching two men fight so hard for something they believe in, yet maintain their sensitivity, was refreshing and touching. DEFINITELY WORTH IT.

Event Horizon
Movie does not live by cast alone. If it did, this one would probably be a sure thing. Lawrence Fishburn, Sam Neill, Joely Richardson, Jason Isaacs, and lots of other people you've seen before are in this Sci-Fi/Horror film about a lost ship that gets found and is discovered to have some strange life form on it. Okay, so it's a tired plot. The movie has genuine scares, though it's pretty predictable at times, and kind of leaves nothing to the imagination if you take the cues it gives you. But if this genre is your thing, you will probably enjoy it. Meh...worth it.
down below.
The Descent
I've been researching for October's blogs about scary movies, and this one makes so many lists as one of the scariest. It actually depends on which version of the movie you watch. The British made movie was release to America without the final scene because we are just that dumb. Kidding...but for real. The movie is about a group of friends who go hiking and into a cave, a year after one of them has experienced a tragic accident. As you can imagine they end up trapped in the cave and they are not alone. It's a bloody, but very well done movie with some great emotional symbolism, and one that will have you curious as to what really happened. DEFINITELY WORTH IT.

What To Expect When Expecting
If Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve got pregnant, they would give birth this movie. But for real, I love Elizabeth Banks, Anna Kendrick, and Rebel Wilson so those people alone make it worth a watch. The movie has lots of other super famous people and jumps from storyline to storyline (all loosely connected) to examine the different stages and situations that arise when expecting a baby. It's exactly what you imagine it to be. Solid enough, funny enough, entertaining enough. Worth it.
This movie is so trying to ride the wave of Girls, Bridesmaids, and Hangover. It's about three friends who are asked to be bridesmaids by a girl that they used to make fun of as kids. Rebel Wilson is the bride, and Lizzy Caplan, Isla Fisher, and Kirsten Dunst play the friends. They are HORRIBLE to her. The movie is full of stupid obscene language for the sake of stupid obscene language. I'm sure it is trying to make some statement about gender equality and how there's such a double standards about the behavior expected from women vs. that of men. And yeah, I get it. But there's a reason that Rebel Wilson's character was the one getting married and not the F-bomb dropping whoring around bitches. I think I just crossed from review to tangent. Dialing verdict is out honestly. I was so annoyed by so much of it, and the three friends are so unlikeable that it was hard for me to see past it. I guess I'd say, watch it, so we can discuss it.

21 Jump Street
It's the year of the dragon here in China, but in America, it's the year of Channing Tatum. I don't care much for Jonah Hill and now that he's lost weight he's all shaped weird. But this movie was fun. It's nice to see guys as the center of a "teen" movie. These two make a great pair, and if you're looking for something just fun and light, this is it. Worth it.

Lost in Translation
I watched this one for the second time ever this week. And I must admit that being in a foreign country made me appreciate it a little more this time around. There are some great subtleties that pay tribute to this part of the world, as well as what it's like to be here. It's slow and character driven more than plot driven, but if you're looking for something easy and maybe slightly enlightening, check it out. Worth It.

What did you think of these movies? 
What have you seen lately that you would warn against, or suggest?

1 comment:

  1. Abduction with Jacob Black...I mean Taylor Lautner. Wait...what? A teen date movie/action flick. It stars Talor looking JUST LIKE Jacob (because he was double dipping while filming the vamp movies) and acting like a total idiot. He's some kid of a black ops person and the Russians are after him and ther's this girl he loves and there's a bad guy on a train. It's terrible. You should watch and heckle from your chair. D and I stopped the movie about 10 times to rant about something stupid. Like how he kicks he bad guy's ass, but he doesn't kill him or put him down in any real way, so the jerk always comes back after them. DUH. Double tap! Haven't we learned anything from movies? There are 2 explosions that aren't even slightly realistic. 1 blows a house to tiny, burning bits. Another is a fireball that consumes a car after a werck. Did she crash into gasoline while on fire? No? Then WTH Hollywood? lol Clearly, we looooved this movie...o.0
