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September 4, 2012

Desperate Housewives Update: They're Real!

I've just finished Season 4 of Desperate Housewives. I bought the entire series for super cheap at a local DVD store (along with LOST, Gilmore Girls, HIMYM, and a few movies). The super cheap part being why I bought all of those. That and I can rip them to my iTunes. Or I thought I could. But that's techy and boring, so back to Desperate Housewives.
Tell me this isn't real?
Bree is still my favorite, though Lynette is a second close.

I love the way this show gets to address the outlines of real problems between couples and friends and even neighbors, even with the slightly absurd plot lines. It's like digging through the jar of peppermints and finding a piece of chocolate. And honestly, are the plot lines really that absurd?

I mean, if you take the 300 people you know...not your Facebook friends, but the broader 300 that statistics say we all know...odds are you know someone having an affair or being cheated on, struggling with addiction, someone fighting cancer, dealing with domestic abuse, multiple pregnant women, those who have a hard time with their kids, or protect their kids at all costs, those who are dealing with their aging parents, finding jobs, keeping up appearances, comparing their lives to others, you might even know someone who has been to jail, and you definitely know someone hiding something. Gasp. And for most of us, in our smaller groups of 50 friends (statistically speaking of course) we can probably get a good sampling of those things as well. So while it's not all happening on our same street, it is happening.

My favorite part of this last season was Lynette going to church for the first time, with Bree, and raising her hand after the sermon. I wonder how differently preachers would preach if they knew they were gonna have a Q&A after!

The biggest missed opportunity in the show was early on when (SPOILER) Susan gets pregnant and she is showing off her newly enlarged breasts. Of course, Susan is played by Teri Hatcher, and even though her boobs are central to the episode NO ONE EVER CALLS THEM SPECTACULAR. I mean...have the writers ever even seen Seinfeld? I was watching waiting for the punchline, the Easter egg that never came. Sigh....

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