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September 27, 2012

Running on Screen

Having recently toyed around with running, I started thinking about movies where people run a lot. Not to be confused with movies where people are ON the run. That list can go on forever. No, I am thinking about movies where running plays a central part. Indulge me here as I explore this topic.
Chariots of Fire-I know this is considered a classic, but it's kind of a boring one. (Go ahead, hate me.) Still, it's probably the most well known movie out there about running. I have seen it a few times, and I understand the appeal. It's got great music, likable heroes, and is about sports. If anything this movie shows that running can have a purpose, as both men in it are running for "a cause." Faith, and to overcome prejudice. Best line: "I believe that God made me for a purpose. But he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel his pleasure."

Run Lola Run-If it's in the title you can bet it's going to be about running. In this crime drama, Lola does just that...she runs. The movie is divided into 3 "runs" or "timelines." It's a Sliding Doors meets Groundhog Day kind of thing but done in a very intense action packed movie. Lola is trying to save her boyfriend, and each run results in a different outcome. It's clever enough. 
Hanna-This is one of my favorite action movies in the last few years. I love the premise of the young girl being trained from birth for the purpose of killing/protecting a secret. I wasn't so impressed with the ending, but it was probably fitting enough. Anyway, from the moment Hanna escapes from a CIA compound, this movie is just one big chase. There is a lot of running, but what I don't understand is how Cate Blanchett does it in that suit and heels! 
Forrest Gump-If you read this blog then by now you know that I don't always LOVE the things that everyone else does. Forrest Gump is one of those things. I won't even go into why I don't enjoy this movie as much as the average person, but just know I do appreciate it from a creative standpoint. After a few tough blows, Forrest decides to start running. He does this for 3 years, going coast to coast, gaining celebrity and a following. Then one day, he just stops. The running is an emotional cleansing of sorts for him. Best line: "Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!"
Zombieland-As far as Zombie movies go, this one is one of the best. It's kind of as Scream is to horror movies. It's a little meta and it's very entertaining. But right up front Zombieland offers some rules for survival to keep in mind when faced with the Zombie Apocalypse. Rule #1 is Cardio. The narrator goes on to say that the fatties were the first to go. We all know this could happen overnight. And with all the recent outbreaks of cannibalism..(what the what!) it's time to get it together. If this isn't motivation to run, I'm not sure what is! 

The Pursuit of Happyness- This movie should have been called Will Smith Runs In San Francisco. I seriously love this movie, but over half the movie is spent with Smith running up and down the hills of the city lugging either his son or that bulky medical equipment along with him. It's a tiring movie to watch and the constant running builds tension and communicates the sheer desperation of the character. 

I am sure there are lots of other running movies I've left out. 
Is there a particularly good running scene you can think of?


  1. The Hunger Games is just running,

    1. And hanging out in trees. Running and trees. Ha ha!

  2. Run Fat Boy, Run! LOVE THIS MOVIE. <3 It has Simon Pegg in it and it was directed by David Schwimmer (spelling?). Loser runs a marathon to get the girl of his dreams and his son's respect. Hank Azaria is a great asshole in this movie. Did I mention Simon Pegg? I loff him.

    And I'm out. It took me all day to come up with that one. haha
