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September 28, 2012

Taking the “Guilt” out of Guilty Pleasures--A Guest Post

Inspired by the “It’s ALL McDonald’s” and “Why It’s NOT ALL McDonald’s.”  

Here’s my thing:  It IS ALL McDonald’s, but what’s so wrong with McDonald’s? Just like everything bad for you, MickeyD’s is something that you have to do in moderation. In his stand-up segment, Jim Gaffigan points out that McDonald’s is something that we eat with shame, but can’t give up because it’s just too good and so bad. People act all uppity about it, but the numbers don’t lie. But what’s so wrong with enjoying some delicious, fresh MickeyD’s fries?

Amber has confessed her guilty pleasures to us before. Why do we feel the need to hide our guilty pleasures away and only admit them to people when we’ve had a little too much libation or are confessing a deep, dark secret? Why not embrace other people’s guilty pleasures and remember that we all have some of our own. A lot of us feel the need to pretend we don’t like something when we secretly indulge in it when we are alone. Don’t feel ashamed of something you love, embrace it and enjoy it. Just know that sometimes you may have to defend it—or not, you could just tell people that you could care less what they think of your slight obsession and carry on. Personally, I find that when I’m upfront about things that I like, people will either keep being my friend or not.  If you decide that our differing opinion on something trivial is worth not being friends with an awesome person like me, well, you probably weren’t going to be a good friend anyway.  It’s as simple as that.  

So in honor of Amber’s amazing blog of Pop Culture that brings me a laugh almost daily and her bravery and honesty in said blog, I am confessing some Not So Guilty Pleasures of my own:

Weekend Fat – I mean come on, it’s a little Pop Culture, a little personal opinion (that I often agree with), a little hey, what do you think?  And I love it. I don’t think it’s bad to debate Miley’s hair cut or declare Team Angelina or Team Jennifer. What’s wrong with a little peek into the lives of people who’ve chosen the path of fame? They knew the consequences of putting themselves out there and hey, sometimes they do some crazy stuff.  

Twilight – OK, this is a little different than you think.  There’s backstory here: I worked for Books-A-Million and found myself constantly being asked “Is Twilight appropriate for my (insert number) age daughter/niece/etc.?”  I could only tell these mothers/aunts/etc. what I heard about the books. I was being asked so often, I decided that I wanted to form my own opinion. So I read them. All of them. Meh. I also saw the first movie with my very tolerant husband and I was horrifically fascinated. He declared that he would never watch another one and I was mildly curious. I saw the second one in theaters with some fellow BAM employees and declared I would never pay money to see another one in a theatre. But I wanted to see how they dealt with the rest of the books, so I have seen up to the latest installment (Thank you, RedBox). Don’t love it, in fact I pretty much detest them, but I can’t help but slate my curiosity.  
But then, there's this. Yes, I own one.
Leonardo DiCaprio – This is pretty self-explanatory. I used to be in L-U-V with Leo.  Romeo + Juliet solidified it for me. Titanic, phenomenal. Now that he’s all grown up and actually looks his age, I still admire him and appreciate his amazing acting skills. I enjoy watching him and remembering how I used to cut out pictures of him from Seventeen and collage them together to hang up in my closet. We were going to get married one day, you know. P.S. I did NOT see Titanic in 3D. All that water rushing at me in 3D?  My bladder barely made it at 14, it definitely wouldn’t make it now.  

Drew Barrymore – She has been brought up before on his blog. Lots of people don’t like her, but I’m declaring my love for Drew!  Everything she does—good, bad—love her. I like the way she talks out of the side of her mouth and the way she’s pulled herself out of a life of drugs to become a star. She’s adorable, funny, quirky, and dang it, I like her. Did you know she’s married and pregnant?
Aren't they adorable?
Katherine Heigl / Ashton Kutcher – These two are guaranteed to have my attention. I can’t help it. Their movies are mainstream or bad or good, it really doesn’t matter, and I love them. It’s this weird charisma thing that sucks me in and I can’t help but like their movies (that I’ve seen). Except this one Ashton did with Anne Heche, Spread—I don’t know, it was a little ew for me. Someone once told me that they thought Katherine Heigl seemed like a stuck-up so-and-so and lots of people dislike Ashton Kutcher…. Well, I’m not concerned with their personal lives; I’m talking about their movies. Not many other actors can get to me the way these two do. And if you put Heigl and Kutcher in a movie together—I’m done. Done.
Seriously. Done.
Call Me, Maybe? – Probably not after this blog…. So this song has popped up everywhere.  There are endless amounts of videos. My top three picks: U.S. Olympic Swim Team, Marines, and Cookie Monster in no particular order. I’ve heard it a million times and I still love it. Also, I thought it was stupid when I first heard it. Like call me “Maybe,” ok, “Maybe” you’re weird. Now, it’s grown on me. I know all the words, I’ve watched lots of videos, and my husband is a very, very patient man.  

America’s Next Top Model – OK, this one may not seem like a big deal, but here’s the thing; I don’t watch much reality TV. No American Idol, no Amazing Race, no Big Brother, I didn’t even watch Real World or whatever (is that still on?). I watch Project Runway, Face Off, that kind of stuff. The most mainstream I get is The Voice because a) it doesn’t feel like it’s gotten out of hand like other shows b) I LOVE Blake Shelton c) they seem more genuine and they aren’t straight up mean to people. So with my “clean” lineup of reality, why do I watch the “smutty” ANTM?  Because of the pictures. I can take or leave the drama between the girls or whatever rant Tyra decides to go on. I just want to look at the photo shoot and the pictures that come out of them. Some of the stuff they do is so creative, so I guess the artist in me is intrigued. By that time, I have to know who they’re kicking off. Also, I’ve got eyes and Eyes down. ANTM fans, you know what I’m talking about.

So what are your Not So Guilty Pleasures?  
Declare them loud and proud!  It’s ALL McDonald’s, but who doesn’t enjoy a quick stop under the golden arches?

(Vicky is a big fan of Weekend Fat and decided that she had something to say.  Maybe McDonald’s just gets her fired up.  She can relate to “l’esprit de l’escalier”).

September 27, 2012

Running on Screen

Having recently toyed around with running, I started thinking about movies where people run a lot. Not to be confused with movies where people are ON the run. That list can go on forever. No, I am thinking about movies where running plays a central part. Indulge me here as I explore this topic.
Chariots of Fire-I know this is considered a classic, but it's kind of a boring one. (Go ahead, hate me.) Still, it's probably the most well known movie out there about running. I have seen it a few times, and I understand the appeal. It's got great music, likable heroes, and is about sports. If anything this movie shows that running can have a purpose, as both men in it are running for "a cause." Faith, and to overcome prejudice. Best line: "I believe that God made me for a purpose. But he also made me fast, and when I run, I feel his pleasure."

Run Lola Run-If it's in the title you can bet it's going to be about running. In this crime drama, Lola does just that...she runs. The movie is divided into 3 "runs" or "timelines." It's a Sliding Doors meets Groundhog Day kind of thing but done in a very intense action packed movie. Lola is trying to save her boyfriend, and each run results in a different outcome. It's clever enough. 
Hanna-This is one of my favorite action movies in the last few years. I love the premise of the young girl being trained from birth for the purpose of killing/protecting a secret. I wasn't so impressed with the ending, but it was probably fitting enough. Anyway, from the moment Hanna escapes from a CIA compound, this movie is just one big chase. There is a lot of running, but what I don't understand is how Cate Blanchett does it in that suit and heels! 
Forrest Gump-If you read this blog then by now you know that I don't always LOVE the things that everyone else does. Forrest Gump is one of those things. I won't even go into why I don't enjoy this movie as much as the average person, but just know I do appreciate it from a creative standpoint. After a few tough blows, Forrest decides to start running. He does this for 3 years, going coast to coast, gaining celebrity and a following. Then one day, he just stops. The running is an emotional cleansing of sorts for him. Best line: "Now you wouldn't believe me if I told you, but I could run like the wind blows. From that day on, if I was going somewhere, I was running!"
Zombieland-As far as Zombie movies go, this one is one of the best. It's kind of as Scream is to horror movies. It's a little meta and it's very entertaining. But right up front Zombieland offers some rules for survival to keep in mind when faced with the Zombie Apocalypse. Rule #1 is Cardio. The narrator goes on to say that the fatties were the first to go. We all know this could happen overnight. And with all the recent outbreaks of cannibalism..(what the what!) it's time to get it together. If this isn't motivation to run, I'm not sure what is! 

The Pursuit of Happyness- This movie should have been called Will Smith Runs In San Francisco. I seriously love this movie, but over half the movie is spent with Smith running up and down the hills of the city lugging either his son or that bulky medical equipment along with him. It's a tiring movie to watch and the constant running builds tension and communicates the sheer desperation of the character. 

I am sure there are lots of other running movies I've left out. 
Is there a particularly good running scene you can think of?

September 26, 2012

Brené Brown is Daring Greatly

Even though Weekend Fat usually focuses on the fatty part of things, I think it's only fair to share some of the healthy things happening in the world of pop-culture from time to time. One of those things that keeps rising to the surface for me in the last six months is Brené Brown.
If you look at her profile on I need to back up and explain TED? TED stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, and is an organization that holds conferences with speakers who have "ideas worth spreading." You can go to their website, follow them on Facebook or Twitter, or search them out on YouTube and what you will find is hundreds of fabulous videos full of...well, ideas worth spreading. They are given by poets, professors, artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, lawyers, psychologists, and so many more people who have something to say. The talks themselves are on anything from how to use just 1 paper towel to dry your hands with (environmental) to revolutionary classroom tactics (education) and of course so many more. If you are unfamiliar with TED, get familiar, and be prepared to be challenged, encouraged, and awed.

So...back to Brené...her TED profile describes her as "a vulnerability researcher." Um...she had me at that. Not to mention something about her reminds me of Elisabeth Shue so you know. But for real you guys, Brené is fabulous. Her first talk was titled, "The Power of Vulnerability" and it was delivered in 2010. She followed that up with an appearance earlier this year and delivered "Listening to Shame." Combined, the talks have close to 10 million views online. She has taken some of the ideas in those talks and her research and written a book called Daring Greatly. I have only read a few pages, but it's fabulous. She has other books that tackle perfectionism, shame, inadequacy, and other words that sound like psychobabble but are TOTALLY legit in her hands, because she is smart about them. She researches these topics from a very matter of fact point of view, then delivers the results, offering practical application. She's the real deal. 
But I am not going to sit here and preach at you about Brené and her wisdom, her likability, and the way she is singlehandedly bringing emotional awareness and admittance to the forefront. By making it okay for powerful women (and men) to talk about shame and vulnerability, and to act on authenticity and courage, she is changing business practices, relationships, and her teachings are seeping into the culture wherever someone is willing to follow their heart. I will let her speak for herself. Here are just a few quotes from Brené to consider:

“Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.”

“The two most powerful words when we're in struggle: me too.”

“Vulnerability is not weakness. And that myth is profoundly dangerous.”

Isn't she brilliant? Get familiar with her if you're up for a little self-examination, and if you're're probably not reading this blog. 

Here are her two TED videos: Listening To Shame

The Power Of Vulnerability

Is there a TED talk that has affected you?

September 25, 2012

Cabin In The Woods: Take 2

Ok, so I re-watched Cabin In The Woods. I wasn't going to, but so many people that I respect seemed to like it, and so I thought...maybe I missed something. 

Turns out, I did. 

See...I'm a multi-tasker by nature. Usually when I sit and watch movies, I am also blogging, researching, chatting, and eating...though I probably could have not told you about that last one. My students here in China have downloaded a program on my computer that is basically a search engine for movies. Given that China really has no problems pirating American films, I get to watch a LOT of stuff for free. So on my Chinese computer, I watch movies, and on this one, I do this. But the movies on the Chinese computer aren't always great. Sometimes the subtitles get in the way of the action. Other times they are recorded right from the theater. That was the case with Cabin in the Woods. And since I hated the way it began, I think somewhere in all of that, I tuned out.

But I tuned back in recently and rented it on iTunes and stopped everything to really watch it. And it turns out, I liked it better. I appreciated what they were doing with it. The meta stuff that bothered me before was a little more fun the second time around. In fact, I think it ended up being pretty solid. I especially like the ending where they are discussing the "evil gods" and how the sun will rise in 8 minutes. It stands to reason that maybe they are talking audience. I mean, we love horror movies, and 8 minutes after that is spoken, the movie ends...lights come up in the theater. Of course they could be referring to movie producers/studios...yeah...let's go with that. Much more evil. At any rate, this meta part of the movie was kind of fun.
Who is more likely the virgin...come on...
Except for 1 thing...

I would have changed the ending. Spoilers coming now:

So we learn that the death of the "virgin" is optional in a movie, and at the end we are left with the girl who is somewhat innocent and sweet even though we know is not a virgin from the very beginning of the movie. Sigourney Weaver explains this by pointing out that they "work with what they have." And we are left with the guy who is the "fool" the drunk, high, nerd boy who is responsible for comedy relief. So the two are both left and the boy has to die in order to keep the "evil gods" from getting mad and destroying the Earth. The girl's death is optional...because she is the "virgin." The two have a moment where she is about to shoot him, but then she is attacked by a werewolf and there's some struggle and Sigourney Weaver and werewolf end up dying. we are back to just the two, and again, to save the Earth we think that the boy must die. EXCEPT WHAT IF HE TURNS TO HER WITH THE GUN POINTED AND SAYS, "I'M THE VIRGIN!" Boom. He kills her and the world is saved. Because let's face it, he was a much more believable virgin than the girl who we KNOW has had sex. And yes, I get that they are just icons of the greater "formulas" of horror movies, but if you really wanted to meta it out and then twist it up on its end, I think my ending would have ruled. Instead...they sit there, smoke some pot and wait for the world to end. Where are the convictions of these young horror movie characters these days!

So, Cabin in the Woods...worth a watch. Just don't blame me if you aren't thrilled with the ending. I would have obviously opted for something different. 

Who wants to see the movie with MY ending on it!?

September 24, 2012

OK OK We See You Amanda Bynes

Do not adjust your screen, the coloring is right in this picture.
It's not all that hard to see that the once adorable Amanda Bynes is going the way of LiLo. In recent months Bynes has pushed fast-forward on her spinning out of control and now she can't seem to stay out of trouble.

A few years ago, Bynes had a steady and growing career and was pretty beloved among Hollywood celebrities. She consistently chooses roles that highlight her ability to be silly. She's a fun girl, and she knows how to poke fun at herself. Her many wacky facial expressions rival those of Jim Carrey! From She's The Man to Hairspray, to Easy A, there is no arguing that Bynes is just hilarious.
Oh boy.
Her acting is good, and she could solidify her future by being type cast as the comedy relief BFF to leading ladies like Anna Kendrick in future Rom/Coms. Playing second fiddle isn't so bad if you are still making millions to do it. But that's not all Bynes has (had?) going for her. She sings and she has toyed around with fashion lines that have been pretty successful. People generally like Bynes, and she has used her influence in different ways, trying to find what it is that fits her best. 
At least Penny was jailed for something decent.
In 2007, she made a statement that she wasn't into drinking stating that it was unhealthy and generally just trouble for those actors who chose to party. This perspective made her completely adorable, a great role model to her audience. We like seeing someone we grew up with make good choices. And even though these were extreme statements, it was rare to see someone take this kind of stand. 

By 2009 she revised her statement, claiming that maybe alcohol isn't that bad, and that she was currently exploring her social options and clubbing a little. Understandable for a young woman in her early 20's. But still, she had it under control.
Looks like someone's on a downward spiral.--Marianne (Easy A)
Somewhere between now and 2009, Bynes has made a few claims about her career, stating that she is done acting. Her most recent statement of retirement has been accompanied with a 6 month stint of DUI's, arrests, and displays of drunken behavior. Her agent just dropped her. 

Last week Bynes and Lohan both had incidents. Lohan hit a pedestrian and drove off. What the what Lindsay! And Bynes was driving with a suspended license. When Lohan heard that Bynes wasn't arrested, she sent a mean Tweet questioning the "Nickelodeon star." FIGHTING WORDS. 

Amanda needs to rub her face on some pavement to catch up to Lindsay's "destroyed" look.
You's like a race to see who can self-destruct first. These girls are 26, they are not 18 or 21. It's time for them to get their shit together. While we know the crazy that Lohan comes from, Bynes supposedly has a pretty great family. Unfortunately, they might be a little too pie-in-the-sky. In an interview with Bynes' dad, he said that his "daughter doesn't drink." Um. Parents in denial are so cute.

With all the resources in the world, with access to older actresses who have "been there done that" and with, oh, just being ADULTS, it's really hard to excuse this kind of behavior. Especially because deep down...we all really like these two! We want to see them in movies, not prison. Not to mention...I PASSIONATELY HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE DON'T REACH THEIR POTENTIAL. But that should probably be something I work out on my other blog, or at least in therapy.

If the cliché says that only the "good" die young, I'm not sure either of these girls really meet that early exit requirement. No, instead we will probably have a few more years of watching them destroy themselves before TMZ stops caring. And once that happens...well, I think it's safe to say, dead or're done.

Do you think Amanda Bynes will get it together? 
If you had to put money on one of these girls cleaning up, who would it be and why?

September 21, 2012

New Show Review: Revolution

J.J. Abrams, Shonda Rhimes, and Ryan Murphy are at the top of the list when it comes to creating TV shows these days. It seems like everything they touch is an instant success. But I watched Abrams' newest show, Revolution, last night, and I gotta say, I'm not so sure about it. There might be spoilers ahead. 

In the future, people will be made of plastic. Also the lights are on. Also...why is Bella's dad in Chicago?
Revolution starts out great. It's fast and furious and before you know it the world is without electricity. Given that I love a good disaster movie, I was thrilled about this opening. I couldn't wait to see what was happening.

Until it skipped ahead 15 years with no explanation. Now I get that this gives Abrams tons of opportunities to go back and fill in the gaps of what has happened, but I needed more for the pilot episode to really hook me. Instead, I felt like I was watching The Village meets Mad Max meets Dances With Wolves. And what was up with all that sword fighting? Ugh. 

Like LOST, I realize that we will have to be patient to see what develops and how, but the difference is that LOST drew me in with the depth of characters right off. From the moment we see Jack's eye open and he stumbles onto the beach, we get an idea of who he is. All we know about the characters in Revolution is that one used to have money, another has asthma that will apparently show up every 5 minutes (I mean...explain that...seems like pollution and asthma inducing elements would disappear a little after 15 years with no electricity...just saying.), another is a hard-ass, and someone is hiding something. Abrams, you didn't give us the disaster stuff we all want, and you didn't develop the relationships or get us attached to any one character up front. Where are you going with this?
This gun is gonna go off.
I did like the end when the woman booted up the computer. It's intriguing, but wasn't that the computer from LOST? I think I even saw her type in 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, and 42 at one point. Kidding. But come on.

I'd love nothing more than to see Revolution work itself from either end and meet in the middle in the end. Playing with time is fine. But already the non-linear moments are happening in brief flashbacks that didn't leave me wanting more, but instead left me wondering if Abrams even has a plan for the show. 

I will watch again, but I need less tents, less men in Matrix coats, and less Count of Monte Cristo swordfights. Either give us more of the problem or more of the people. I will give it 2 more episodes.

Did you watch Revolution? What did you think?

September 20, 2012

The Gun Must Go Off

What good is a gun if it doesn't go off?
One of my favorite things I learned during my MFA was that when writers write, they often have props in the room. And if there's a prop, it must be used. Because good writers don't waste words. For example...if there's a gun lying on a table, it must go off. If there's a bottle of wine, it must be drunk. Locked doors must be opened, stairs must be climbed. 

I think I've always known this kind of thing in the back of my mind, but I'd never heard words put to it. Once it was vocalized for me in class, I was able to recognize it in almost every movie I watch. Here are some obvious "guns" to look for in movies.

Bathroom Mirror/Medicine Cabinet-If someone is looking in a bathroom mirror, 9 times out of 10 there's going to be someone standing in it when it closes. Proof: Like every scary movie made between 1980 and 2000.

Woman Throwing Up-If a woman throws in a movie, she is pregnant. Proof: Saved, The Debt, Baby Mama, Waitress.
This is gonna be important later...
Any device/object/random statement that is highlighted early on in a movie-It's gonna show back up in a major way later on. Proof: The spinning top in Inception. The "contaminated" water and "swing away" in Signs. The towels, music, and organized cabinets in Sleeping With The Enemy. 

Underdogs-If there's an athlete, a lowly person, a team coming from behind, they will probably pull ahead at some point in the movie. Usually after what seems like an impossible setback.

Wishes-If someone makes a wish, no matter how bizarre, it's usually gonna come true, but it's never gonna turn out like they hoped. Proof: Aladdin, Freaky Friday, It's A Wonderful Life, BIG.
It was bound to happen.
The Favorite-If someone expresses that something is their favorite will be ruined. Favorite cars will be wrecked, favorite vases will be broken. Proof: Ferris Bueller's Day Off. And of course, Hilly's favorite pie in The Help.

Pockets-If someone puts something in their pocket, it's going to be a grounding/saving force at the end of the movie. Proof: Zuzu's petals in It's A Wonderful Life. One Eyed Willy's jewels in The Goonies. The Heart of the Ocean in Titanic. 

Best Friends-Best friends are usually either for comedy relief or for creating a love triangle. Proof: My Best Friend's Wedding, The Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter, Toy Story, Monster's Inc. (Pretty much any Disney Movie or Rom/Com)

What other common "guns" can you think of in movies? 

September 19, 2012

Desperate Housewives-The End took me a few months, but I am finally done with Desperate Housewives.

My overall impression is that it is definitely worth watching. The plots get a little silly from time to time with murders and extensive cover-ups, but I am chalking this up to lazy writing and bringing too many troubled characters on the show that they didn't know what to do with. Plus, we all know that when ratings drop, writers do stupid, attention getting things to try to bring them back up. I remember hearing the commercials claim that there was a killer on Wisteria Lane. Yeah, like every season. So each season, Desperate Housewives got...well, even more desperate. Especially during the years that Parenthood, The Good Wife, and Army Wives were created, becoming possible competition. I'm not condoning the ridiculous, but I do understand it. And honestly, it was easy for me to stick with it because what was central to the show never changed: the friendships between the women.
Taking it to the grave.
If you look past the episodes of riot on Wisteria Lane and the (too) occasional hit and run, I think you will enjoy what you see. The show comes full circle which I love. But what I really love is the writing of the relationships. The marriages and the friendships are deep and multi-faceted. They echo the real life ups and downs that happen for different reasons, struggles to forgive, struggles to trust, and just struggles.

In the end, I definitely like the Bree and Lynette story lines the best. Lynette's story stays the most true to life and I found myself being able to relate to her character the most, even though our lives are nothing alike.  Bree's character is intriguing, but her story is one of the more bogus. Even so, she manages to evolve in a believable way. A lot of what works in this show is the narration, which is where the "wisdom" and frame story gets delivered each episode. I remember that Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives started around the same time and both of them had the narrations, which made them different from dramas before them. I love dramas with narration. They are like books. Think about it...if you read Hunger Games it's all told through what Katniss is thinking. So it stands to reason that the movie (which had no narration or the inner thoughts of Katniss) couldn't be as good. We miss out on too much. But back to Desperate Housewives....
All in.
The show didn't really do anything groundbreaking, but it did remain a solid, relationship driven drama that maintained most of the main characters for 8 seasons. It started well, it ended well. The middle got messy at times, but in some ways, I guess that's true to life too. If there is any lesson to really to be had from the show, it's to value your friendships. Do you have any who would among other things..."move a body" for you? More on that in a few days...

Did you watch Desperate Housewives? What did you think?

Poll: Should I start Gilmore Girls or How I Met Your Mother?

September 18, 2012

I Got Weekend Fat on Garbage Snack Movies

I watched a lot of "new" movies this week. I'm still finishing Desperate Housewives, but sometimes I need a break. I can only describe a few of these movies in the same vein as this girl describes trying the new Candy Corn Oreos. Garbage Snacks. Which might be my new favorite term EVER.

They fought someone who was trying to destroy something.
The Avengers:
Maybe I'm just late to the game on this, but I was bored. Which made me really disappointed. You guys KNOW how I love Superhero movies! What I learned in this movie was that I love the part of those movies when they are discovering their new powers, but when they already have them, it's kind of boring. Plus...what is Scarlett's power? Whoring around? And has Mark Ruffalo ever lost his temper a day in his life?  Anyway, I hung in there through the whole thing, but I'm not gonna lie, I checked out from time to time, and that's unusual. Feel free to talk me into watching a second time. I would be up for it, if you can convince me.
Strings Attached.
Jane Eyre:
One of the ways I love to connect with people is to watch the same movies. Last week, a friend of mine happened to have this recorded so I decided to watch "with" her, and sure enough the Chinese Internet Gods provided the movie! I've heard about Jane Eyre my entire life, but honestly, I just lumped her into that category of movie that I hate. I can see why Jane Eyre is considered a heroine of sorts. She pushes past a traumatic history and comes out on the other side. Her love runs deep. But this particular movie was hard to buy. The woman playing Jane looks like a child. And Michael Fassbender...does not. It held my interest, and was a pretty straightforward story. It lacks the cleverness of Austen's plots (yes, I just gave her credit), but I can see redeeming qualities. If any of you out there LOVE Jane Eyre, please, send me your explanation/defense of it. I need to be convinced.
What's your favorite meta movie?
The Cabin In The Woods:
Um. Ok. So...a meta "horror" movie. Love the concept. And I think I enjoyed the subtle (sometimes too subtle) shout outs to horror films and film-makers from the past. But....ugh! It's like, didn't Scream already meta the horror movie genre before meta was even a thing? With the exception the two teenage hunks (a Hemsworth brother and Jesse Williams!) the rest of what's good about this movie happens in the lab. The idea that you could manipulate a game-like horror movie, with the entire staff making bets on what will happen and celebrating accordingly is kind of fun. But at some point this movie goes beyond meta, beyond horror, and just gets so far over the top. I feel the same way about this that I felt about Black Swan. SO MUCH POTENTIAL. And yet, the overtness, the beating us over the head with the point kind of made it fall short for me.
A real human being...and a real hero?
I have never been so conflicted over a movie before. I watched it twice this week and assigned it to several of my friends to watch so that I could decide whether or not I liked it through talking it out with them. Here's what's up. Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan are amazing. Their chemistry is adorable/sexy in this movie. I thought this was going to be a movie about a man who drives a "get away" car, and that's how it starts. Gosling is perfect for that. His face is perfect for holding tension. But where the movie goes is surprising and a little frustrating. At times it felt like it was trying to be True Romance. It felt like it was trying to be 80's. It felt like it was trying. And maybe that's the thing that kept me from loving it. Critics have described it as a movie for hipsters, but who can even know...not like they would admit to liking it. And yet...even with my wavering opinion, I still think you should see it.

Have you seen any of these? What did you think? 

September 17, 2012

Love is a Battlefield-A Guest Post

They've made a huge mistake.
I would have written sooner, but I've been in mourning. Life as we know it is over. Amy Poehler and Will Arnett have ended their marriage. After nine years, two children, and filming at least seven projects together, not to mention being perfectly adorable, it’s all over.

Relationships ending in Hollywood is not a novel concept. We should never be shocked when it happens. There have been some divorces and break-ups that were not that surprising: Katy Perry and Russell Brand (come on Katy, really?), Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise (In my best Braveheart yell..Freedom!!!), Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattenson (can you say beards).

But some endings do take us by surprise, and Amy and Will are one of those few. They gave me hope for the future and now it seems a little...well, dismal. Of course, there are a few couples still together that make me believe in love. Jay-Z and Beyonce, Prince William and Kate, Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. And of course, Michelle and Barack. If they ever end their marriage, I’ll host the gathering where we drink poisoned Kool-Aid and end our misery, because if they can’t do it, there is no hope for the rest of us. But I believe they can. Yes. They. Can.

Coupledom is the instant boost of publicity to an upcoming movie or project. And just dating doesn’t do it for us anymore. We want ET to report on the fairy tale happily-ever-after-exclusive-wedding-on-the-beaches-of-France kind of stuff. We want to see the behind-the-scenes pictures while we wait in line at the grocery store on People. We want it, and they deliver. Of course we all know that it might not mean anything in the long run. Everything is up for negotiation these days.

With that said, there are some couples in Hollywood that are just publicity stunts, and some that are just really bad ideas. So in the midst of my mourning, I want to dwell on the negative and even offer a curse of sorts to a few celebrity couples, that I hope, for various reasons, don’t make it.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Kanye and Kim Kardashian. Really? I’m not saying she’s a gold digger, but Kanye does say she's his bitch. When the times get hard for the Kardashian clan, Kim either has to release a sex tape or begin a major relationship. Kanye is an egotistical jerk and everyone can do better than him. I'm gonna let them finish, but this is one of the worst celebrity hook-ups of all time. It won't last. Maybe they deserve each other.
Wait...what just happened?
Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively. Love interests in a summer blockbuster + less than a year dating= hush-hush wedding ceremony. BLEH! Get over yourselves! Blake, Gossip Girl called and she wants you to take your traveling pants and find someone your own age. And Ryan use those green lantern powers and track down Sandra Bullock. We all know you are meant to be (age differences be damned!) Stop postponing the inevitable! Now, show us your abs again.
More of this.
Adele and Anyone Who Will Break Her Heart. The beloved Adele profits from heartbreak, and I love her for it. I’m cheering for her to never actually settle down because her music of heartache and lost love are my mantras and medicine in my own time of trouble. Sorry, Adele, I truly love you, but please don’t stay happy for long.
This is the face of a Garbage Snack.
John Mayer and........ Dear John, you are not allowed to ever be happy because you are a dick. You have broken so many hearts,  you do not deserve love.
Lights will guide you me.
Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow. Aside from naming a kid, Apple, and Gwyneth's little goop hobby, this couple is pretty much perfect. And by that I mean that Chris Martin is pretty much perfect. But I need them to break up, because how else can I live happily ever after with Chris?

It might be wrong to wish ill on these people and their relationships, but too many celebrities destroy our Hollywood dreams of romance and make a joke out of marriage. And speaking of marriage, it's hard to watch Kim and Kanye flit around while Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka or Ellen and Portia are in perfectly stable relationships that are not even considered legit in most states. Who can deny that LiLo's most stable relationship/few years was when she dated Samantha Ronson? Just saying....sexuality doesn't determine stability.

In spite of your views on marriage, romance, dating, or publicity stunt couples, one thing is clear: Will and Amy have reminded us once again that no matter the perception, no matter the circumstances, all relationships have potential to fail.


Here's to chasing pavements...

(While waiting for Chris Martin, Sandi spends her days being a nanny and living in an alternate reality. You can find her last guest post confessing her nerd tendencies here.)

September 14, 2012

TV Is Back!

Throughout the next 6 weeks TV as we love it will be returning. Here are the 3 shows I'm looking forward to the most!

American Horror Story:
They have done a fabulous job promoting the upcoming season which will center around an Asylum. It's hard to know details of what's coming, and I will miss the family from last season. But I am very excited to see how they transition things, and whether or not they can sustain the scares and storyline. Plus, Adam Levine is hot. Oh and also asylums are terrifying.

You still have a little bit of time to watch last season before this one comes on, and YOU SHOULD.  Revenge will make you remember how awesome Madeline Stowe is and how dangerous it is to take matters into your own hands. I will have my eye on this one closely, because I really want them to keep integrity with the story they've started and not move away from that Hampton locale. Too much corporate espionage and getting tangled in the government will take away from what I love...the interaction between characters in close proximity.

Grey's Anatomy:
Rumor has it McSteamy is gonna die. That alone makes me want this season to be the last! Seriously. It's time to shut it down, but let's have one last season full of extreme medical situations, great music, and relationship drama!

What are you looking forward to the most?

September 12, 2012

In Defense of Honey Boo Boo

It's no secret that I tend to root for the "underdog" or at least the "infamous." Angelina, Lindsey, Magic Mike...I just can't resist playing devil's advocate on some of these controversial topics. It's pretty consistent with how I live my life. Nothing is as simple as it seems. Nothing is as black and white as it appears to be. Recently a friend even called me "The Defender of the Exceptional." Can I put that on a resume? Can that be my superhero subtitle? Can I get theme music?

So often we jump to judgmental conclusions about what we see on TV. I've sat in dozens of rooms where people compared their TV watching habits...and most of the time that conversation becomes a pissing match. A competition of who watches the most trashy TV, who watches the most wholesome TV, and who just watches the most TV. What qualifies the winner is different of course, depending on who is in the room. 

If you are putting yourself on TV, naturally you are opening yourself up to judgment. The problem is that most of the time, we don't let it stop with what we watch. This mentality of judgment, of intolerance, bleeds into our real lives, our real relationships, and taints everything. Not to take reality TV too seriously, but I think it's a good place to challenge ourselves. If we can find grace for the Sister Wives and The Duggars...then certainly we can transfer that to the "real" people we our friends and neighbors...right?
Shhh. It's a wig.
All of that to say, I am a fan, a big one, of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. The show is a spin-off of Toddlers and Tiaras, which examines the sub-culture of children in pageants that exists, especially in Southern states. I have known people who participate in this sub-culture. I remember spending the night in 5th grade with a girl who grew up being in pageants. That night, we watched one of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, and so when I couldn't fall asleep for fear of what Freddy might do to me, I stared at the hundreds of trophies that lined her small bedroom. The next day we rode four-wheelers around the red dirt road surrounding her trailer. Last time I looked her up on Facebook, she was overweight, married with 3 children, 2 of which she put in pageants, and she had no eyebrows in her profile picture. This is not criticism, this is not judgment, this is simply to let those of you who did not grow up in the South know that TLC is not making this stuff up.

I could talk about the possible problems that come from treating children like they are little princesses, or financial burdens that come with pageants. I could dive into a rant about "Reality" TV and how it's staged. I could even get personal and criticize Honey Boo Boo's family up one side and down the other. From the way they look to the way they talk to the way they appear to live. But instead, I have to be true to myself. I have to root for the underdog. So, here are some reasons why I love Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

TV is for Entertainment:
If you are one of the sadly mistaken people who believe that your TV is bringing you actual information, Bless Your Heart...I am so so sorry that you are ignorant. It's sweet that you believe that the news you are watching is actually news. But it's time for you to remember that TV is really about Entertainment. The rest of the world knows that America produces just 1 thing that no other country can keep up with...and that's our Entertainment Industry. My students here in China watch American TV shows, but do think we all live like Gossip Girl or Vampire Diaries? NO. Because they know that TV is for Entertainment. Say it with me: TV is for Entertainment. And once you accept that fact, then you will realize...Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is FABULOUS entertainment.

There is building suspense of whether Honey Boo Boo will ever win Grand Supreme, as well as the mystery of what's under June's sock. There is symbolism of their house being situated between two train tracks, the hilarity of mud-diving and dumpster shopping! And catch phrases that rival "Whatchu talkin bout Willis?" Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is GREAT entertainment...and remember...TV IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT!
You'd Better redneckognize!
June is a 32 year old mother of 4. She is about to be (or may already be at the time of this posting) a Grandmother. By her own declaration, she "ain't the prettiest crayon in the box" and "could stand to lose some weight" but she's overall "happy with the way" she looks. I know women who have tons of money, wear tons of make-up, are always dieting, and are constantly at war with that level of contentment in their appearance. Now, to most of us, June doesn't look like she's taking care of herself. I get that. And if June actually said that she wants to change something about herself, I imagine Jillian Michaels would jump right in there and we would watch June float from reality show to reality show, shedding pounds, learning how to dress, and finally telling us all how she did it on her own OWN show. And if she expressed this desire and no one jumped in to help her, it would be wrong. I wholeheartedly subscribe to Madeleine Albright's quote, "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women." But in a world where every piece of media implies that women aren't good enough, why can't we root for one who actually feels that she is doing alright!?

I have said it before and I will say it again...June knows what's up. She's smart. Have you watched her work that coupon math? I have 3 degrees, and still go blind into pretty much every financial transaction, especially the ones that happen in grocery stores. But June...she KNOWS exactly what she's gonna spend and what she's gonna save. Her priorities are in order. She loves her girls in the way that most of us really want to be loved, meaning, she lets them be who they are. She is not picking them apart, but supporting their dreams as well as supporting them practically. Her oldest daughter is pregnant...well, June admits that's less than ideal, but she is going to be there for her. Even though June has some hang-ups about marriage, there is no question as to her commitment to her girls.

He loves his family...neck crust and all.
Sugar Bear:
Even though Sugar Bear is only a biological father to 1 of the girls, they all see him like he is their dad. I know some fathers who wouldn't dare work as hard for their families. Sugar Bear is content in the chaos, and he is so in love with June. If you have any questions about the quality of this man, look past the dip on his chin and watch episode 7 when he assembles a swimming pool for the girls in the middle of the summer. He just wants to see them happy. No strings attached.

Simplicity and The South:
Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is about a family living in South Georgia. While the South definitely has it's etiquette, hospitality, and grace, anyone who has lived there knows that it also has...well...Honey Boo Boo's. If you are in denial about this. I challenge you to go to a small Southern town and spend some time in the Wal-Mart.(Yeah, I said it...THE Wal-Mart) Or drive through town on a nice afternoon and look at the pop-up pools, the people propped up on front porches, and the dirt roads leading to small houses. While I cherish the Southern heritage that taught me to sweetly smile and stand strong in life's storms, I also know that it taught me how to hide things that are less than pleasant. That's what we do in the South. We ALL know it's there...but we don't talk about it. Here Comes Honey Boo Boo is an unmasking of what many Southerners have worked so hard to hide. But ya'll...admit it. You know this family.

Compared to the rest of TV, this is kind of just your run of the mill family living in the South show. Sure, Alana is involved in pageants, but other than that there is no drama here. There is no bright orange housewife from Jersey pulling out someone's weave. There is no affair, no foreclosure, no drug addiction. This is a show about a family just doing their thing. And sure, the way they do their thing might not be how you do yours, but probably it's closer to your family than you want to admit. I've been in enough homes to know that kids can eat like pigs, moms and dads like to kick their feet up, and farts fly freely. Honey Boo Boo's family is not that different than yours. In fact, the biggest difference is that they are making bank for those farts.
Mama...give me that fat cake!
While all of the kids are pretty entertaining, and Alana is actually the center of the show, nothing tops those moments when 12 year old Pumpkin chimes in on June's interviews. That kid is fantastic.

Of course there are questions of exploitation, but when asked to confirm the rumor that TLC was paying the family just $4000 an episode, June laughed patronizingly, implying that wasn't even a drop in the bucket of what they are being paid. The family is up to date on pop-lingo which tells me they are connected to the rest of the world. They know how reality TV works...they are perfectly aware of how they come across, and also aware that with the right formula of crazy and caring, funny and freak-out, their 15 minutes of fame might drift into 20.

They gross you out? So don't eat while watching! (A lesson I learned the hard way during the forklift foot episode.) But I remember gagging quite a bit during A Wedding Story and A Baby Story too. Maybe you're concerned at their lack of manners, or the lingo they are developing for certain body parts. (Biscuit did send me over the edge a little.)  And ultimately you don't want your children to see or hear that...they are a bad influence. Not a family you want setting the example for yours or anyone's for that matter. So let me ask you this...exactly which TV family DO you want to pattern you family after? Hmmm? Right...that's what I thought. Because....TV IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT. Even the beloved Bravermans are far from perfect

Say what you want about Honey Boo Boo, and what it reveals about our culture, what it reveals about TV, and what it reveals about those of us who watch it. But as a lover of TV as ENTERTAINMENT and recently named, DEFENDER OF THE EXCEPTIONAL...I gotta say...I'm a fan. 

Come on tell the truth...
Are you watching Here Comes Honey Boo Boo? 
Why? Why not? 

September 11, 2012

Welcome Home: The Return of the Bravermans

Everytime I see a picture of The Bravermans I feel a little love in my heart for my favorite TV family. I feel like I'm coming home! Watch Parenthood TONIGHT!

Group Hug!

September 10, 2012

Not All Disney Princesses Are Created Equal-A Guest Post

Ok, let me start with this. Not all princesses are created equal. Now that I've said that, I’d like to also say that I have learned a lot from my childhood princesses (childhood is still going on for me, and will continue until I decide otherwise). 

I realize that many people (ahem, Jenna Marbles) have had a lot of shit to talk about the ladies. 
Disney made you have unrealistic expectations of love? How old were you when you stopped believing a dashing prince would come whisk you away from your horrible parents and marry you because you are the most beautiful girl in town? 

Common sense, y’all. Get some.

Here are a few things I've learned from the changing Disney Princesses through the years. 

Let me start with the ladies who stole our hearts from 1937-1959, The Dreamers.

Snow White: 1937 
I, for one was scared as hell of the evil witch (who was never prettier than SW, seriously Mirror). Aside from that, SW really didn’t have a lot going for her other than her looks, she was extremely handy with a broom however. So yes, I understand that in that time, women were “supposed” to clean up after those silly, dirty men, but as a kid, I learned to whistle while I worked.
Cleaning (and sometimes working) is never fun. But, if you have a good attitude, get some companions to help you and have a good attitude about what you’re doing, the work seems to get done faster. 
Lucifer. aka-Meanest Cat in the World.
Cinderella: 1950
Definitely another example of a damsel in distress, and she’s still doing a lot of housework, but this time Disney doesn’t make her clean up after a man. Cinderella always had a gentle heart, even towards her evil stepsisters and the meanest cat in the world. She may have made a simple wish and wound up in the arms of a handsome stranger, but even after being so badly mistreated she still loved and was extremely grateful for the friends that she did have. 

Sleeping Beauty: 1959 
Ok, this one’s a little harder. Still in the 50’s, Disney is portraying the “perfect” woman as having a gentle heart and great looks. In Sleeping Beauty, Aurora is literally found, gets herself in trouble, rescued and married. So I must turn to the cheeky, courageous fairy godmothers. Their quick thinking and courage helps Prince Philip defeat the evil Maleficent. (Anyone else psyched about the new movie coming out btw??)

Now the ladies from 1989-1992, The Rebels.

The Little Mermaid: 1989 

Thirty years have shaped society’s views of women quite drastically. Finally, we have learned (out loud at least) to fight back and stand up for ourselves. Ariel shows us her adventurous spirit by defying her father and doing what she thinks she ought to be able to do-which of course lands her in a pretty dangerous situation—but Ariel taught me to go after what I wanted and to chase adventure.
You're gonna have to say something interesting to get my head out of this book.
Beauty and the Beast: 1991
Belle did NOT teach me to find a man who has uncontrollable rages and is actually an animal. Belle taught me to enjoy a great book, ignore the taunts of ignorant small-minded folk and to look for true beauty inside a person. Belle didn’t fall in love with Beast because of what he looked like; she loved him because of who he was inside. 

Aladdin: 1992

was the first of the Disney movies that isn’t about a princess, but features a strong female lead. Jasmine was also the first non-white princess after over 50 years of princesses, subtly changing the image of the “ideal woman.” Jasmine was an adventurous spirit, originally with the defiance to marry anybody. Jasmine taught me to pick out what I wanted for my future and to take chances.

Our womanhood has come a long way in 70 years. The Defiant.

Mulan: 1998
This is one of my favorite movies. Unwilling to let her father suffer and die, Mulan (technically not a princess, but worthy of the title) throws herself into danger and risk of death. In the meantime, she saves her man, saves her entire country, and saves her family. Mulan found herself by trying something different, by not reaching out to find love, but by trying to earn respect. Mulan didn’t know what she was capable of until she tried it, and she taught me to go for it, even if the risk is pretty high. 

The Princess and the Frog: 2008
Finally a black princess!! This one is close to my heart because Tiana grew up in New Orleans and can cook! This movie was the first out of many where our princess isn’t looking to find a husband. She knows that hard work is going to cost her a lot and that she’ll need to do a little more than wish to make her dreams come true. Ending up with a handsome, accented prince in the end was just a perk for Tiana, she got everything she wanted by refusing to take no for an answer.
That is not the look of a woman searching for a man.
Brave: 2012
The most recent Disney/Pixar is, in my opinion, the most advanced in female defiance towards a masculine-ruled culture. (SPOILERS AHEAD) Merida doesn’t sing, she doesn’t go to balls or kiss boys. She kicks ass. After Finding Nemo, I really wanted a strong mother-daughter movie that was more than just a tear-jerker. Merida is such a feisty little girl and so defiant of her parent’s wishes that she gets herself and her family into a lot of trouble (surprise). She does, however remedy that problem by acknowledging her mistakes and refusing to quit until she had remedied the problem. My favorite part about this movie was that Merida doesn’t end up with a man at all! She comes up with a creative solution to bind their countrymen together peacefully and shows her prowess for ruling alone.

Looking back, it's pretty incredible how far women have come in the Disney realm of media alone. Generally we have been portrayed as disposable sex objects that need to be cared for. Thankfully, Disney is stepping up to the fact that women are powerful beings and can have a huge impact on the world. I suppose it's up to us to continue the challenge of showing the media that we want powerful heroines. Personally, I can't wait for our first homosexual princess who kicks ass and takes names.

Who is your favorite Disney Princess and Why? Which one influenced you the most? And in terms of the evolving concept of"princesses" where do you think Disney will venture in the future?

(Amanda is a former costume designer turned fast food specialist who is desperately trying to worm her way back to her artistic roots. She lives in Georgia with her husband, her fat cat and their new puppy.)