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May 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Elizabeth Stamatina Fey!!!

What the what!
Today is the birthday of one of my favorite celebrities, Tina Fey! Sometimes I try to think about what my life was like before Tina was a part of my weekly routine. But those kinds of thoughts are really not worth my time. And anyway, I'm certain I was depressed back then. But not anymore. Before I moved to China for the year, I decided to invest in 1 TV series on iTunes. I landed on 30 Rock. I have been here for 3 months, and I've seen the first 5 seasons about 5 times through so far. Never. Gets. Old.

I could seriously geek out over Tina Fey to a point that anyone reading this might:
A. Think I need a life
B. Think I should be locked up
C. Fear for Tina Fey's life

Not only is Tina an incredible comedy/television writer, but her book, Bossypants is seriously one of the greatest things I have ever read. Or heard. (I recommend the audiobook so you can hear her read it.) Fey's impression of Palin will outlast Palin herself. She is an endearing advocate for social equality. She is humble, giving others credit for her success, she is focused on what matters in life, and she stays out of the tabloids. I could go on and on about my admiration for this woman, but at the risk of sounding a little too obsessed, I will just give you a recount of my personal favorite Liz Lemon moments. No matter how obscure they might be!

1. Season 5: Episode: It's Never Too Late For Now
Not only is this one of the BEST 30 Rock Episodes, it also contains one of my favorite Liz moments. Spinster Liz comes to work with a sweatshirt on, a fanny pack, her hair pulled back with a chip clip, and a cat. She announces that she has named her cat, Emily Dickinson, and as the writers groan, she repeats, "NAMED HER EMILY DICKINSON" over their objections. Most of my cats have had literary names. I get this.

2. Season 5: Episode: Brooklyn Without Limits
The connectivity of this episode to the world of capitalism that we live in today made it so much more fun to watch. Liz finds the perfect pair of jeans and insists she will wear them out of the store. When the clerk asks her what she wants to do with her old jeans, she says, "Burn Them. BURRRRNNN THEM!" We've all been there.

3. Season 3: Episode: Jackie Jormp-Jomp 
Liz is suspended from work for sexual harassment, and in her time off gets mixed up with a group of women who spend their days doing pilates, drinking wine, getting massages, shopping, and lunching. Before long her days start to blur together and she decides that this life is the life she wants to live instead of her normally obsessed-with-work life. At one point in the show she says to the women, "Eating right, working out, sleeping. Boy, is anyone else BMing like a rock star?" It's not long before Liz discovers that the group of women are actually a fight club. At this realization she says, "Ahhh. This is very disappointing!" A few minutes later she is back at work with a black eye. The fun of this episode is seeing Liz out of her element.

4. Season 4: Episode: Future Husband
Liz has had oral surgery and wakes up to find a toaster waffle in her DVD player. She calls Jack and he informs her that she was a little out of it and "watched it for about an hour, said Nicole Kidman should get an oscar for it then you turned it off...You kept trying to order home massages off of Craig's List." Just then a knock at Liz's door and someone says in a deep scary voice, "Hey, somebody order a massage?" Liz responds in the most ridiculous accent, "You're too late, I already killed her!" Hilarious.

5. Season 2: Episode: Jack Gets in the Game
Jack has had a secret heart attack and can no longer eat red meat. He calls Liz to his office and offers her a steak. She thanks him and tells him that it will make a great sandwich, then he explains that she must eat it in front of him. She says, "You want to watch me eat this steak in front of you?" Jack says, "That's what I want." Liz shrugs, and says, "Ok." A few minutes later, Jack has given one of his thoughtful monologues while pacing in his office, and as he turns, he sees the steak is gone. Liz is chewing. Shocked, he says, "You ate that whole thing!?" Still chewing she looks around and says, "A dog took it...he came out of nowhere." Comedy Gold.

Honorable mentions: 

Anytime Liz slaps Kenneth, which happens a lot more than you realize until you've seen the show on repeat for 3 months.

Anytime Liz mentions food.

Anytime Liz says "Shut it down."

Any flashback to a Liz of the past.

What's your favorite thing about Tina Fey 
or your favorite Liz Lemon moment???


  1. #3 is deep social commentary in sit-com form. Any woman knows that any group of women you find yourself in becomes a fight club in one form or another.

    1. That is brilliant Romelle. And sooo true!

  2. Replies
    1. that is one of the most classic lines ever.

  3. Anytime she is startled and blurts out something. Like last night..."Skinny arm havers!"

  4. Hands down when Liz Lemon says, "Feminism promised us two things: fatter dolls and reversal of traditional gender roles." -Suzanne

  5. I'd have to go with any time Liz Lemon refers to ham.
