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June 19, 2012

Gwyneth Paltrow's goop Is Adorable

Have you heard of Gwyneth Paltrow's "lifestyle company" goop? I wasn't exactly sure what a "lifestyle company" was supposed to consist of, so when a friend of mine shared a link promoting goop a few weeks ago, I had no clue what to expect when I clicked. goop is not new, in fact it's been around since 2008, and has most widely been recognized as an easy target for anyone looking to pick on Paltrow or point out how removed from reality she is. We'll talk more about that in a minute.

I think it's really important before you check out goop, that you examine your feelings about G. Pal. I happen to enjoy her. My introduction to her was in Hook, but I stuck around through her Sliding Doors, Great Expectations, and Hush days, and finally to Shakespeare in Love and The Talented Mr. Ripley. By the time she appeared in the extremely hilarious but little appreciated View From The Top, I was a sold out fan. Her versatility as an actress is impressive enough, but it's more than that; I just like her.
I want to create something that will change the world. I shall call it...goop.
When she did the duet "Cruisin'" with Huey Lewis, it became my favorite song for a while. Do I think she's an amazing vocalist, nope, but her voice is clear, on pitch, and low enough for me to sing along with, and Huey Lewis is my man, so naturally I could respect her early attempt at a singing career. When she married the lead singer of Coldplay, Chris Martin, I was only jealous for a little while. When they named their baby, Apple, my admiration took a brief hiatus. Come on, no one's perfect.

So now you realize that the Paltrow pump was primed for me to enjoy goop. But I can see how someone who does not enjoy her might think that goop is just another display of celebrity narcissism. With some products, if you don't buy into the person, it's hard to buy into the brand. For example, I am convinced that ProActiv doesn't work because I think Jessica Simpson is stupid. And due to my extreme aversion to vikings, I will never own a Capital One card.

If you do find yourself at peace with Gwyneth and decide to venture into goop, I think you'll find it is actually kind of fun. For starters, the appearance and layout is super simple and appealing. Lots of pictures, not too many words. Little icons float across the top of the page, each one standing for a category that you will find on goop. I have attempted to summarize them below:
Make-Recipes for foods that no one in your house will eat
Go-Travel to places you will most likely never go
Get-Products you will want but cannot afford to buy
Do-DIY which translates to watching someone else do something for you
Be-Wellness tips for losing those 2 pounds or getting in touch with your inner goddess
See-A catch-all highlighting anything that doesn't clearly fit into one of the above categories

Ok, that was snarky. But that's how you will read them if you're not careful. The truth is, I love getting a glimpse into this type of upper crust living. Haven't you seen my obsession with Gossip Girl and Revenge?
You had me at "cultural notes."
Anyway, you can sign up to receive the weekly newsletter or just visit the website at your leisure. I signed up just to see what would happen. My first newsletter came last week and it was detailing the various ways that famous hotels around the world make beds. The first thing I noticed is that I would never be able to afford staying at these hotels. That is, not until I write my first (50) best-selling books. I will also never need to know how to make a "hospital corner" or recognize the importance of the right amount of moisture in order to get that perfectly crisp sheet. There were videos to help me fully understand these "bedding recipes." I sat through every single one, fascinated that bedding recipes are a thing, and wondering how to doctor up my own straw mattress situation while here in China.

Ok, ok, so goop is not Pinterest, and it's not even on par with Oprah's website or magazine, O. Pinterest offers legitimate trendy tips based on real life experiences that are usually tried out by people who live on a budget. Oprah might seem to be a natural well of deep wisdom, but even she knows when to bring in an actual licensed professional. These two are clearly legit and have their places in the world.
How funny! When I'm not doing pilates or walking red carpets, I spend my days just like this.
But that's part of what makes Gwyneth Paltrow's goop so adorable. She has no clue that her advice, her "lifestyle" is not accessible to 99% of the people in this world. She grew up immersed in a rich and famous culture and knows nothing different. goop is her way of sharing what she knows. It's really no different than your blog, or diary of your experiences. That is, if your blog or diary were written between daily massages with a Montblanc pen while Chris Martin sings a love song to you on the 900 thread count sheets you share with him. Yes, she has a good life, and yes she seems to believe wholeheartedly that you will just LOVE her little known tips that she has learned while doing the kind of living that she does.

And THAT is really what's at the core of my thoughts about Paltrow. She has all the trappings of this perfect life, and yet she so clearly has a blind spot when it comes to how the world really works. I think I can relate to that blind spot thing. But as far as goop goes, it's like watching a baby kissing "another baby" in the mirror, or watching a dog chase his tail. Do you shake the baby or hold the dog accountable for their ridiculous actions, or do you grab the video camera and film it, laugh with friends, and ooh and ahh over how cute it is? Exactly. No need to tell Gwyneth she's living in a fantasy world. Just try enjoy her for who she is.

What do you think about Gwyneth? 
What do you think about goopWhat other celebrities come across as totally out of touch with reality?


  1. I think most celebrities are pretty much out of touch with reality (especially those behaving badly). I think a certain amt of $$ and/or fame will naturally do that to you though no matter how well-behaved you are.

    I don't mind Gwyneth but I think it's b/c she and Chris Martin generally stay out of the spotlight unless it's related to their careers so they don't have a chance to really come across as pompous jerks. (Don't get that vibe from them anyway but they manage themselves well which I can appreciate)

    On a frivolous side note, I'm really hoping to make the Coldplay concert in ATL in a couple of weeks. I saw them when they were in BHM on their last tour (amazing seats, amazing concert experience)...such a good time.

    1. I agree with you on everything you said. I also agree that you need to go see Coldplay. I only heard them from a distance in Nashville a few years ago, but if I had the chance, I would SO go see them. Hands down my favorite band.

  2. Wow. The correct amount of moisture to get crisp sheets.



    1. I was waiting for a comment on that one. ;)

  3. I'm not a Gwyneth hater. She's in 2 of my all time favorite movies (Sliding Doors and Shakespeare in Love). But she did get on my nerves on Glee (although I like her cover of Turning Tables). And I just can't get into goop. I think its because it came out when I was a Perez Hilton junkie and he loathed her and goop back then.
    BTW - Melissa...there are a lot of seats available on stubhub!

    1. So funny, I read a lot about goop and how lots of celebrities think it's brilliant. I wonder if Perez has changed his tune with money and fame...and weight loss.

  4. Haha!! I love GOOP! I found a lot of it accessible to lay people...ok, maybe not a LOT, but more than expected. :)

    1. Definitely more than expected. Plus it's a fun "daydream" site for me. One day when I write my book and get to live in least I will know where to have a decent sandwich.
