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June 6, 2012

Resignation To the End?

You've heard it. (And just in case you haven't here it is:)
Now that that's out of the way...

I love this song! LOVE IT! I have made all of my students here in China watch it. Even though showing Gotye's midriff is a little risqué for them. When the first class I showed didn't love it, I should have abandoned it for a Katy Perry song rather than forcing it on my other classes. But I LOVE IT, and so I chalked it up to "teaching them about American culture" and forged ahead with it...8...more...times.
I don't know how it came into the mainstream. I heard about it on Facebook. Then a few weeks later it was advertised on a commercial for an upcoming episode of Glee, and from there, of course, it went straight to the top of everyone's playlists. Then the covers started. Some of them are awesome, but none of them capture the angst in Gotye's voice when he sings, "CUT ME OFF" or the softness in "and it feels so rough."

There's no question, the song is a big deal.

But is Gotye a big deal?
Somebody that I'd like to know.
I hate to contribute to the prediction of a One Hit Wonder. 


Especially with someone as cute as Gotye. In fact, many times, if I like a song by someone, I will listen to and even buy their album just to support them. Usually it works out all right. I might find a few other songs I really enjoy. I know the hipster thing to do would be to act like I don't really like the song, "Somebody That I Used To Know" and talk about how awesome his other more obscure songs are. I'm never gonna be that cool.

So I TRIED to like other Gotye songs, and I just didn't. I thought that maybe since he sounds so much like Sting, then I would love him. But his other songs don't have the heart that this one has. I heard that he was all the rage at Coachella, and I tried to like his music again because I think that whatever happens at Coachella somehow sets the stage for the music year and also this thing with Tupac happened...but NOPE.

And I'm not the only one. On iTunes, Gotye is at #2 with his single, but click on his other songs and they don't even have "popularity bars" beside them. I heard one, "Eyes Wide Open" had some potential, and he did sound like Sting in a lot of the music, but there was no wailing that I fell in love with in "Somebody That I Used To Know." I wanted the wailing! Instead it was almost like Sting and Mika had a baby and named him Gotye. If you don't know Mika, I can't help you right now. One thing at a time.
Show us the shape of your heart, Gotye!
I don't want Gotye to be a One Hit Wonder...but I'm just not sure he has found a niche other than the music snob, cooler than you,hipster types who like him for his "real work."  

What do you think? Is Gotye soon to be somebody that we used to know?


  1. Well, no matter what happens with Gotye, I will always love this cover:

    And I can't remember if you are the one who linked it first. My innernets have gotten so complicated that I can't remember original posters anymore. haha

    1. I did not post that but I did see it. Hilarious! You should get your innernets in order! ;)

  2. It is COMPLETELY auto-tuned (and that's the point) BUT I love, love, love "State of the Art" from 'Making Mirrors'. In general thought: I feel the same way - iffy about Gotye's body of work. He's more conceptual than emotive.

    1. What? Come on. he is SO not he?! It sounds scratchy on his top notes! NO WAY MEREDITH!

      However, I do agree with you on more conceptual than emotive. Nice way to phrase that.
