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June 29, 2012

Pop-Culture Attack

I slept 11 hours last night. It was awesome. Except that when I woke up, I woke up to a different pop-culture world than the one I fell asleep in. 

Adele is pregnant. I mean, yay! Except is Adele ready for a baby? I know, I know, no one's ever really ready. So will this change her career? I know, I know, it has to. Not even Adele can have it all. Or can she? 
Woah Baby!
Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are divorcing. YAY! Have they only been together for 5 years? Cause it feels like 10 at least. I bet it felt that way to Katie too. I am shocked not because I thought their relationship was so great, but because I am surprised she was allowed out. I hear she is going to fight for custody of Suri. I think a paternity test should be in order. We all know Tom is a hermaphrodite and that is NOT his kid.  It appears that her filing was a surprise to him. Does that scare anyone else? Cause he's not rational. Can we get a security detail on Suri/Katie please?
She looks terrified.
Magic Mike is in theaters rendering all of my friends 14 year old girls. I am just jealous I'm sure. It will be months before I can enjoy this ab-fest. So if anyone wants to write a review or has something to say about the movie, by all means, let me know and we will get a guest post up in here.

Lindsay Lohan...sigh...apparently did a photo shoot where she held a gun to her face/put it in her mouth. COME ON LINDSAY! Didn't you read my letter!
"Great picture," said no one ever.
And lastly, Jennifer Lawrence was seen flirting with John Mayer, which in my book just means she's entered womanhood. But you know how up in arms everyone gets about John Mayer. Do you think he has a scavenger hunt list of women to be seen with? Like it's all just a game for him? Also why does everyone like the song, Daughters?


  1. What?? I had not heard about tomkat...has it really only been 5 yrs? She always seemed like a shell of a person possibly host to an alien invasion while she was with him. And

    1. Totally a shell! She looked scared and empty. And yes, only 5 years is mind blowing!

  2. I agree. It can't have been five years ago that Tom jumped on Harpo's sofa. Didn't get go squirrely looooong ago? Bully for her though. I didn't think she'd ever be able to chew her way out of that trap. But what a cute little kid she got out of the deal. Let's hope she can keep her.

    1. Oh the sofa jump! I haven't seen much about that in light of the divorce! I just hope Katie doesn't disappear!
