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July 10, 2012

A Celebration of Guilty Pleasures a.k.a Confession Time

I missed blogging on Monday. I'd love to say it's because of some fabulous event that swept me up and took my time and attention away from writing, but it wasn't. It was just guilty pleasures. With all the Magic Mike hype, guilty pleasures have been on my brain lately.
Vanessa has never looked like that ever.
I haven't hidden the fact that I watched the entire series of Gossip Girl recently. I can admit it was redundant. I wanted the characters to depart a little from their totally predictable natures. I also wanted the dramedy of erros to stop. If they just let each other finish a sentence, then half of the problems would be quickly resolved. But they are just so fun to look at! Gossip Girl and many other shows fall (for me) into the guilty pleasure category. They really don't add a ton of value or knowledge to my life, nor do they deepen my character. If anything, they feed something very superficial me. It's's hot...who wants to think!? In the name of true confession, here is where I've been instead of blogging.
Can we crop the "kid" out of this picture?
Last week I watched Cougar Town. I even ordered some legit wine (not Moscato, which according to my friend Joni, should be my most embarrassing guilty pleasure) so that I COULD watch Cougar Town. Seems like a pre-requisite. It struck me more as a suburban Sex and the City. You think it's gonna be about the romantic relationships but it's really more about the friendships. After the first few episodes, the title becomes very misleading, it's not at all about cougars (of any kind). It's slapstick but kind of hip in a really aware of itself being dorky way. For example, they have these moments where everyone says something in unison. Now, I have a lot of friends, and a lof of different groups of friends, and I can't remember the last time we chimed in with some kind of impromptu unison chant. Totally too fabricated, and yet, I like it! The only thing that I hate about it is the mother/son relationship. It's so inappropriate and borderline gross. In fact, I kind of just hate the son altogether. His a man-child with his pale pasty skin and weird attempt at facial hair, and oily hair, no way can I begin to believe that he came out of Courtney Cox.
They should have named them all after cheeses. 
The natural follow-up to Cougar Town, is of course, Desperate Housewives. I have just started it from the beginning. I can't really speak about the show yet, it's too soon. But I've heard that it has some rough and ridiculous patches. I will give you my verdict in a few weeks.
Learning is Funtastic!
Other recent dips into the pool of guilty pleasures have been, GCB. I talked about this one a while back. It hit ridiculousness too early and ended up being cancelled. I also watched Bad Teacher again yesterday. I pretty much just love Ms. Squirrel and want to watch more movies with her. But it only made me hate Cameron Diaz more. The internet here in China is full of guilty pleasure movies. I even re-watched The Hangover last week. I'll admit, I laughed out loud a few times. 

I've never been a huge Jersey Shore fan, but I do enjoy some Real Housewives. New Jersey is of course my favorite, but I like OC as well. I know, I trash.

I should probably let this be a July thing and try to move on to more sophisticated entertainment in August to get my brain back in shape for school. But for now, it's just so fun!

Your turn for Confession Time!!! 
What's your favorite Guilty Pleasure? 
What are you watching this summer?


  1. Kendra on Top is my guilty pleasure. I love how real her and Hank seem.

  2. I admit I watch FAR too much trash/guilty pleasure TV. RHONJ and OC are my fav housewives series and I even like "Watch What Happens Live" with Andy Cohen :) And I have definitely been known to "On Demand" MTV's "16 and Pregnant" (available on Hulu!) and TLC's "Sister Wives"...

    I think most reality TV is just so EASY and after a long day of more "lofty" pursuits (or not), you can turn it on and just kind of go with it, no thought required. In a weird way, shows like this allow my mind to be still and just relax (no plot twists or hidden agenda decoding required).

    1. I completely agree! Sister Wives! OMG I love that show. I watch with my mouth hanging open the whole time!

    2. "Love should be multiplied, not divided" Even the credits ick me out, yet I KEEP WATCHING!

  3. Kardashians- any and all...
