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July 23, 2012

How I Became A HIMYM Fan--A Guest Post

Have I ever told you the story of how I fell for How I Met Your Mother? 

I take my sitcoms very seriously. And I'm usually skeptical at first. I don't want to be sucked into something that isn't worth my time or that will waste all of my time, because when I watch TV, I am truly invested at every level, and it could easily become a time suck for me. I've known about HIMYM for some time, but I always thought it was one of those shows that my parents would enjoy more than I would. I mean, it takes place in a bar most of the time, not my speed. I only have one rule, don't watch what your parents watch. So naturally, I used my teenage eye roll whenever the show came up in conversation. That is until a really good friend of mine started pushing it on me. He has a serious obsession with it, to the point where almost everything that he says is a line from the show. He started pressuring me about watching and I resisted at first. I wasn't about to give in to something so cliché. But then I noticed that he just wanted to share his joy with me. He really loved this show. I thought, if he loves it, it can't be that bad....right?
How did I ever resist them?
So when my friend sent me a little texty text to let me know it was finally on Netflix, I was out of excuses. I gave in and submitted to the extravagant and weird world of HIMYM. And that's when it happened. I got hooked. I didn't want to admit it at first, but I thought the show was fan...wait for it....tastic! Episode after episode, hour after hour, night after night, I kept watching. I'd look over at the clock and see it's after 2am and I thought, nothing good can happen! But I couldn't stop! I finished 7 seasons in 3 months, which isn't bad considering I'm a student, I work, and I have to maintain the many levels of my fabulous social life. I was proud I'd finished the show so fast. But I noticed when my friend referenced it, I still wasn't picking up all the inside jokes. Something had to be done. I watched it all again. This time, in 4 weeks. Social life be damned! It was like watching them all for the first time. I laughed and cried all over again. 

I went from being 100% against watching the show to someone who is now a firm believer in the enigma of the mystical, the cockamouse, dibs, miracles, going to the mall, suits, the playbook, and the bro code (even though I am not a bro.)
Am I dead?
But um...really, I am obsessed. I have looked up every website mentioned in the show from and, to barney's blog and his video resume. I've seen them all! I text my friends shapes from the bathroom, I high five, I say "btdubs," and I accept challenges no one has ever presented. Which is probably how I ended up writing this blog. You guys, I have been a slap bet commissioner! True story. And I would give anything to see Robin Sparkles in concert.
Hey where did that pineapple come from?
In preparation for Season 8, I think I will watch Seasons 1-7 again. I just can't wait to see how little Marvin Waitforit Eriksen turns out! I love this show!

So what's your take on Ewoks?

(Vanessa is a 19 year old extremely talented photographer in the Fresno area. You can find and follow her work on Facebook. She likes art, music, TV (obviously), and sleep...which makes her legit in my book. Between HIMYM episodes, she gathers friends and family for creative photo shoots. Her most recent one was zombie themed. Awesome.)

1 comment:

  1. Love it Vanessa!!! Glad you are on board the HIMYM train!!!!
