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July 6, 2012

Indian Summer

One of my favorite, and maybe one of the most defining movies of my youth is Indian Summer. The movie came out in 1993 and stars the following: Alan Arkin, Kimberly Williams, Diane Lane, Bill Paxton, Elizabeth Perkins, Kevin Pollak, Sam Raimi, Vincent Spano, and Julie Warner. You might not recognize some of those names but you would recognize their faces. Side note: On Easter 2005, I sat next to Brad Paisley and Kimberly Williams at Brentwood Baptist Church outside of Nashville. They are both tiny.
We are not nice people.
Indian Summer is about a group of people who receive invites to come back to a camp they attended as youth. It's 20 years later and their lives are complicated and complacent. They arrive reluctantly and begin to relive their memories at the camp; the good, the bad, and the hilarious. Alan Arkin, the camp director, reveals that his reason for inviting them back is because he can no longer run the camp and has to sell it. They are all devastated at this news, and try to figure out ways to intervene. In the process they have a ton of laughs as well as some moments that remind them of who they used to be and challenge them to change who they are.

I love everything about this movie. I love the title. I love the scenery. I love camp. There are lots of silent moments that end up being very thoughtful or very funny. The dialogue is clever and forwards the story. The acting is great and it's a really sweet story. This movie made me want to be Elizabeth Perkins because she manages to have the funniest one liners in it. She is so cynical and yet a softy at heart. Diane Lane is so lovable in it, and Bill Paxton is hilarious! The movie celebrates all the greatest things about camp: traditions, pranks, and barely running water.
Uncle Lou! You know I hate boxing!
This movie is easily in my top 10, and I could watch it over and over. If you haven't seen it or haven't seen it lately, then watch it!


  1. I LOVE this movie! I always think of Kimberly Williams taking her top off in the canoe. Trophy girlfriend, indeed!

    1. It really is one of the best. I can't even pick a favorite part.

  2. Adding to my Netflix Q.
