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July 30, 2012

The Highs and Lows of Disney Songs

I was thinking about my favorite and least favorite things about Disney movies and I started Googling different lists. I came across a few of the "best songs" lists and I was kind of disgusted at the results. Maybe I'm in the minority here, but I have to list my favorite and least favorite songs now. This might be more controversial than my Magic Mike blog....

I Cannot Even Handle These Songs:
The Circle of Life-The Lion King-Why does everyone love this one so much!?
A Whole New World-Aladdin-I heard Peabo Bryson sing this in person once. It sucked then too.
Beauty and The Beast-Beauty and the Beast-Angela Lansbury's voice is wrinkly too.
Can You Feel The Love Tonight-The Lion King-Nope, I can only roll my eyes.
Anything by Snow White-Her voice kills me.

Okay, so maybe I have something against ballads. I know these songs are the themes and often the "heart" of the movie, but they just drive me crazy!
Just please don't sing us to sleep.
Kiss The Girl-The Little Mermaid-Who doesn't love this one?
Zero to Hero-Hercules-This song is so much fun!
The Best of Friends-The Fox and the Hound-Sure the words are slightly co-dependent, but I like it!
Once Upon a Dream-Sleeping Beauty-I think I sing this in my dreams.
I Won't Say I'm In Love-Hercules-The muses are so great in this!
Go The Distance-Hercules-Even with Michael Bolton at the helm, this one gives me chills.
The Spectrum Song-No clue where it's from, but when my friend Jill sings it with me, it's the best!
You'll Be in My Heart-Tarzan-I love the lyrics to this song so much! It's so sweet.
Poor Unfortunate Souls-The Little Mermaid-So bad, but soooo good.

Can you guess what one of my favorite Disney movies is? I'm a Hercules's a way under-appreciated movie!
So what are some of your favorites? Are you a fan of the Disney power ballads? Is there one particular movie that stands out above the others when it comes to the music?


  1. Hercules, Hercules, Hercules!

    I liked that movie ok, but Lion King is tops in my book. I love anything Timon and Pumba are involved in really. Nathan Lane is my homeboy. Loved him in Birdcage too.

    I love Circle of Life and Can You Feel the Love. I mostly like Circle of Life because it starts all crazy (and Timon covers it later "WHAAAT'S ON THE MENU???). I also love (and know by heart) the opening to Can You Feel by Timon and Pumba. They are my Hercules.

    1. I like the idea of Lion King, but I don't like that most of it is so BIG and IMPORTANT. It's so serious....

  2. I love the music in The Little Mermaid. All of them are great, but my favorite is Part of your World. In Lion King, how can you not smile when Hakuna Matada comes on? I think the song in Cinderella that the mice sing when they are making her dress is adorable.When you Wish Upon a Star is a classic and it makes me cry when I hear it at Magic Kingdom. I also love the songs in Hercules. You picked some good ones!

    1. Jill, I remember singing Part of Your World years ago together in the car! Hakuna Matata is a good song in that it's happy, but it is not my favorite by a LONG shot. I do like When You Wish Upon A Star. Classic. Today in China a street cleaning car was playing "It's a small world..." Yeah it is.

  3. You know my feelings on the Little Mermaid (aka Satan). I may also create some enemies with this statement, The Lion King is completely over-rated. It's a ripped off, bad version of Hamlet, without even the decency of having the prince pretend to be crazy. The music in the movie is more for making jokes about later (I mean, who hasn't held up their new baby or puppy and sung the beginning gibberish of Circle of Life). Doesn't Hakuna Matata mean something completely different than "no worries"?

    But Hercules was awesome. I remember at the time it came out, people were in an uproar because it wasn't "accurate." I actually appreciate when people make myths there own (I understand the hypocrisy of my statement given what I just said about Hamlet and the fact that Shakespeare also stole all his plots, make something your own and better not worse is my point here). Most of the ancient myths, because of the nature of oral story telling were changed again and again, they were fluid. Changing the story of hercules, is ok in my book, as long as the parents tell them the other stories of him too.

    Alright, I'm gonna stop my rant. Thanks Amber, I didn't realize how much I had to say about Disney until now. :)

    1. Holly I knew we were meant to be friends! Lion King Haters UNITE! What does Hakuna Matata mean really???

      Hercules is the BEST. And I get the difference between ripping off Hamlet and making a myth your own. Your blog will go up soon...

  4. Don't mess with The Lion King.

    1. Uh Oh.... you too Julie?! Geez! I just called you well-rounded on some other comment on some other blog....(can i take it back????) ;)

  5. The songs from Mulan are very good. Donny Osmond singing "I'll Make a Man out of You" is the perfect music montage song.

    1. You just like it cause it's an Osmond...
